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kathleen schmitz
Recent Activity
Now I'm really sad it's over.:(
Like when I finish a good book;just wishing there was more.
Automotive Hell: The Exodus (Part 3) - The Final Chapter
From 36055512, Tales This is it, folks, the last part of the last story from my days at Dishonest Used Car Dealership. It’s been a hell of a ride, and I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my cold, black heart for coming along with me, laughing at my dumb jokes and comm...
That settles it. I want to marry this person.
Automotive Hell: The Fire (Part 2 of 2)
From 36055512, Tales As you’ll recall from Part 1, we had more than a bit of a conundrum at Dishonest Used Car Dealership. I had a Volvo C70 on my hands that had burnt to a crisp, and it sure looked like might have been our fault. Rom and The Amazon had engineered a little scam to keep our li...
Geez, I think it's just you being rude. Don't step in here just to be mean.
These stories are great! And well told.
Automotive Hell: The Server
From 36055512, Tales ”SERVER’S DOWN! SERVER’S DOWN!” It’s a Wednesday in August, and it is officially hot in my office at Dishonest Used Car Dealership. We’ve got an air conditioner, but, of course, it doesn’t work. So, not only am I grumpy from the heat, but our Incompetent Tech Guy is runni...
kathleen schmitz is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 16, 2018
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