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Isn't the cold, hard fact of DONALD TRUMP living proof and irrefutable confirmation that the USA is everything Der Spiegel says it is?
Der Spiegel Scandal: Relotius' Inventions Simply Reflect The Anti-American Boogeyman His Editors Have Demanded for Decades
Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the entire Spiegel-Relotius scandal is that the lies and fabrications that he fed to his editors back in Germany were not random in the least. They followed a precisely constructed blueprint of stereotypes nourished for decades by the anti-American editors ...
The Medium article that exposed this madness is very elucidating in expounding upon Der Spiegel's lies:
SPIEGEL Reporter Fired for Inventing Stories - Some with Anti-American Tilt
Well - that paragon of high journalism and integrity - Der Spiegel - beacon of honest, objective, and above-all "expert" reporting on the United States apparently has a problem. One of its reporters has been fired for inventing facts - and actually getting caught doing so. According to BBC News:...
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Dec 21, 2018
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