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James Bailey
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Hi Joe, I've been training for over 30 years, my background is in rowing but now I focus on running and triathlon / Ironman. I still row throughout the year on the ergo and generally include heavy weight training in my programme for 9 months a year. Playing around with Training peaks, I've queried this before when I was using the Polar platform and others, it really bugs me how these platforms include all these metrics on recovery and fatigue yet treat fatigue from weight training like it is the same as anything else. As little as one all in set on a big compound movement like squats, will have me stiff as a board for 2 - 4 days and will massively impact my other aerobic training I do during that period but as far as these platforms are concerned, it's just treated like any another aerobic session with the same recovery principles applied. Is this the case with TrainingPeaks? It seems to be. James
Toggle Commented Aug 5, 2018 on The Weightlifting PMC, Part 2 at Joe Friel
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Aug 5, 2018