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John Doe
Recent Activity
Great article! Thanks for sharing and keep it up!
Is a 4-Day Workweek the Key to Landing Top Talent?
With low unemployment rates holding steady, companies are thinking outside the box and offering bold benefits to differentiate themselves and attract top talent. From higher salaries to flexibility to telecommuting, it’s clear employers are upping their game. Some companies have even gone as f...
Great post!
paul lansky #spotifyclassicalworks
There's a new experimental feature from Spotify (see below). I've been waiting my entire life for this or at least since the Schwann Catalog disappeared. I even tried in the past to log all recordings of canonical works on Spotify: So here's a list of Paul Lansky works by Spotify popularity (n...
John Doe is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 21, 2018
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