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Ed Roberts
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Update to my previous post - having found the full report, the Hazer process is mentioned (p 68) as an emerging technology.
CSIRO roadmap finds hydrogen industry set for scale-up in Australia
An economically-sustainable hydrogen industry in Australia could soon be on the cards according to a blueprint released by CSIRO, the national science agency, which found that cost-competitiveness is firmly on the horizon. Source: CSIRO. The National Hydrogen Roadmap sets out a path to devel...
The executive summary of the CSIRO report (your link) proposes thermochemical composition of Latrobe Valley brown coal (aka mud) as a preferred source of hydrogen, with CO2 sequestration, ie low quality source, expensive and unproven sink. It makes no mention of the Hazer process for decomposition of natural gas to hydrogen and graphite (, developed by the University of West Australia. This process has been demonstrated in continuous flow mode and is moving to pilot plant scale, with the financial backing of a large mining company (Mineral Resources). The resultant high purity graphite has been successfully tested in lithium batteries. The hydrogen is a natural fit to ammonia production, and low carbon steel making. Not sure why the CSIRO has overlooked this promising and low cost technology, other than they didnt develop it, and it doesnt require carbon sequestration, a technology the CSIRO appears to favour.
CSIRO roadmap finds hydrogen industry set for scale-up in Australia
An economically-sustainable hydrogen industry in Australia could soon be on the cards according to a blueprint released by CSIRO, the national science agency, which found that cost-competitiveness is firmly on the horizon. Source: CSIRO. The National Hydrogen Roadmap sets out a path to devel...
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Aug 24, 2018
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