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A moment that has changed my life
Fitz’s Three Words By Michael Alpers Ones life is made by many moments. A moment that has made my life was when Fitz first said “Give a Damn” in 8th grade. This really got me started. It would give me the push that I needed to try my hardest and... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2019 at Alpers
Through the Tunnel literary analysis
Maturity By Michael Alpers It’s hard to overcome a fear. In the short story “Through The Tunnel”, by Doris Lessing, Jerry must mature to find the courage to get through an under water tunnel. Lessing says, “First, he thought, he must learn to control his breathing.” This shows how Jerry... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2019 at Alpers
Mothers Day Sonnet
A Poem for my Mom My mother is a very special person She helps me when I think that I am through And though our situation sometimes worsens She shows me how that I can start anew. I love my mother with all of my heart She does for me... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2019 at Alpers
One Minuet to Get Rid of It
A rant on Homework and Education Homework, the thing that teachers give us for work outside of work. Half the time this work isn’t even relative to what we are doing in class. So why should we have to do this time consuming thing that doesn’t even mean a thing.... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2019 at Alpers
Thoreau’s Views on Charity
Why Thoreau Dosen’t Like Charity “I have made some sacrifices to a sense of duty, and among others have sacrificed this pleasure also.” —Thoreau Charity can be a great thing. In the chapter “Economy” in the book, Walden, Henry David Thoreau gives the reader his thinking on the flaws of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2019 at Alpers
Power of Place
My Favorite Place at Fenn “A place is only as good as the people in it.” ― Pittacus Lore, I Am Number Four You need a special place in your life. My special place at Fenn has to be Fitz’s room. I have spent a boat load of time in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2019 at Alpers
Wow Rylan this was really good. You describe things very well while sitting outside which I thought was really good. you als gave great imagrey and you ended the post very well. Great job Rylan.
A Moment of Reflection
A Walk in the Woods “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein This weekend I set aside some time to walk alone in the woods behind my house, for the sole purpose of reflection. Being in nature is relaxing to me. I can just sit down and listen t...
This is awesome Ryan. I love dogs as you know so your piece about your dog was something I can really relate to. You also used good wording and imagrey. Great job Rylan.
Out in The Woods
Exploring With Moxie “Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.” - Henry David Thoreau Out in the woods, walking my dog Moxie. Looking around at all the green. The green trees, mossy rocks wi...
Sorry I mean Michael
Journaling About Place
My Experience Outside Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein I shield my eyes from the blinding light of the sun. I don’t come out in the backyard a lot; I have become unfamiliar with it. The green grass, the oak trees, the dirt-cove...
Wow Rylan this was really good. I loved the detail you gave and the imagery you showed the reader. You made me see everything you talked about. The way you worded this was incredible as well. Great job overall Rylan.
Journaling About Place
My Experience Outside Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein I shield my eyes from the blinding light of the sun. I don’t come out in the backyard a lot; I have become unfamiliar with it. The green grass, the oak trees, the dirt-cove...
Wow Harry really great job. I really like how you wrote this. I agree that sometimes you need to take breaks. This was worded very thoughtfully and I really like how you did this. Great job Harry.
Take time to appreciate life By Harrison Bertos “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” -Thoreau I walk around the grass in my blue, creaky, old house , rope in my hand, hauling my beautiful, wet, disgusting my dog Morgan . It was a nice Sunday b...
A Reflection
My Last Time It was a cool, overcast and somewhat rainy patriots day. I was standing in formation with the rest of my band preparing for the more then two hour parade we were about to embark on. While we were waiting I began to reflect. I looked back on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2019 at Alpers
Wants Verse Needs “After nourishment, shelter...
Wants Verse Needs “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman There are few true necessities in life. In class we are reading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden. In the first chapter, “Economy,” Thoreau explains his opinions on the differences between... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2019 at Alpers
Spring The spiked tree fruit Hanging off the long, thin branches Begins to fall The dead, grey grass On the high open hill Begins to grow The ninth grade boys Ready for the end of the year Argue over Snapchat. The Fenn school library A quiet, tranquil place Is not... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2019 at Alpers
There are some things that are truly important in ones life. It would be useful to live a simple life at the forefront of our growing civilization to learn what is truly necessary in my life and how to get it; or look at merchants journals to see what the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2019 at Alpers
My Take
A Book Worth Understanding “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” — Carl Jung A book is a lifetime of experiences put into words. In the section Economy of the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau explains his life experiences while living... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2019 at Alpers
Hints of Poetry
As I walked down the cold, dark alley I noticed the beauty Of a tall, sharp, gleaming skyscraper Made of heavy steel and glass, I then wondered How it was built Pane by Pane Bit by bit And then it was gone Out of my sight And the thought passed... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2019 at Alpers
Poems I Read
Why I chose these The poem A Priori worked for me because it was short and sweet. It really explains a cottage very well. The words are put together very well to creat a picture in my head of what this cottage looks like. I also like the use of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2019 at Alpers
Moby Dick Reflection
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Posted Mar 6, 2019 at Alpers
Why I Picked It “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” ― Blaise Pascal There is a reason for most anything that happens in life. The reason I chose the poem The Lanyard by Billy Collins is because it spoke to me. I spent about an hour or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2019 at Alpers
Why I Picked It “The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.” ― Blaise Pascal There is a reason for most anything that happens in life. The reason I picked the poem The Lanyard by Billy Collins is because it spoke to me. I spent about an hour or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2019 at Alpers
New Things
A New Expierence “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss It takes time to get used to something new. A time when I got used to something new in my life was when I went to sleep away camp for the first time. In the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2019 at Alpers
Happiness through ignorance
A reason for choice “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” — Mark Twain If you had a choice to be happy and ignorant or wise, which would you be? This is a question asked by many people but hardly ever answered.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2019 at Alpers
A Child's Christmas In Wale's
A Child’s Christmas in Wales “One Christmas was so much like another, in those years around the sea-town corner now and out of all sound except the distant speaking of the voices I sometimes hear a moment before sleep, that I can never remember whether it snowed for six days... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2018 at Alpers
The power of Collective Tradition
Tradition “It takes an endless amount of history to make even a little tradition.” —Henry James Tradition is something carried on by those who find it important. An important tradition for my family is going to New Hampshire. Even though this is quite broad and it dosent happen annually, my... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2018 at Alpers
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