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Great topic, Joe.
As you say, I like one method. I find it is important not to get overly focused on the highest number humanly possible for a triathlete. If one is racing in aero for five to six hours and running a marathon afterward it is not helpful to work off a number that is inflated.
Find a number from testing and prove it in the field with a solid run attached. If an athlete is strong one day in training resist raising FTP until you back it up over time.
We all want to raise FTP. In triathlon I like to avoid raising numbers absent runs up to potential. As you know, this one of the issues that can arise from TSS and ATL or CTL. If FTP is not quite accurate all of the maths may suffer.
Problems With Determining FTP
A while back I received an email from a triathlete who explained that he got different FTP results if he did a 20-minute test on his Watt Bike indoor trainer versus doing a 40km time trial on a tri bike that took about an hour versus doing a 20-minute test on the road on a road bike. He pointed ...
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Sep 18, 2018
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