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Мария Грудцына
Recent Activity
Happy birthday and thanks for amazing prize
Day 3 - Jillibean Soup 10 Year Birthday Celebration continues!
Folks, we are only on day 3 of our 10 day celebration. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time and enjoy each of these posts and the amazing giveaways! Today we have a giveaway and card combo. We have a free cut file you and a card created by using the cut file to share with you! Make...
Happy birthday and thanks for amazing prize
10 Year Birthday Celebration - Day 2!
Are you ready for Day 2 of our 10 days of celebrating 10 years of Jillibean Soup?! We have 2 more great birthday cards to share with you featuring our Souper Celebration collection and some of the Shape Shaker stamps and dies. Don't miss today's giveaway and the latest Silhouette Designs we have...
Мария Грудцына is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 27, 2018
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