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Mark H.
Recent Activity
Wow, John, an 8.0 for an oyster joint? Now, I need to book my next flight! And, if I can't get in, I'm knocking on your door for bulots. Happy holidays!
At first, seeing the headline, I wondered where, exactly, I'd find the "28e". The suburbs? Lyon? Queens? Then, I realized...typo.
Boulud, I think you intended to say. One of Daniel Boulud's flagships.
That menu board is precisely what I imagine heaven to contain.
Please keep doing this until at least 103.
I've always heard about a vineyard in Paris. So neat that you can purchase it at a restaurant in Paris. Cinsault? Not my favorite grape, but I guess conditions dictate the variety. Cheers!
Welcome back, John! Hope you are healed and feeling better. Highly recommend you read Bruni's op-ed in today's Times. He nails it. I feel different about the dining experience now than I did ten years ago, and appreciate you providing insight into issues of ambiance, including noise and lighting, in Paris restaurants.
John: We are missing your new reviews of restaurants. Hope all is well with you and you are just dieting.
Ar Mor=Breton for la mer (the sea). A few years ago, the name of the department in Brittany known as Cotes de Nord changed its name to Cotes d'Armor. Was unable to book a table at Le Vent d'Armor during our visit in September, as it has gotten incredible press. Certainly plan to visit next time.
Menu in English...why?
Boldly answering your inquiry from last week pertaining to our opinions on bad reviews, you do your readers a service by publishing a review like this.
What service is done to readers by avoiding bad reviews? Many of us work hard for our money, and dining out is both a pleasure and an investment in our happiness. Few memories linger as sadly as the feeling of having wasted time and money in a restaurant.
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Sep 28, 2018