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Jan Marsal
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Hi Joe, I'm following your olympic distance training plan from Your Best Triathlon and I've also recently got your Powermeter Handbook and found it an awesome book in all aspects but I've noticed there are no references for olympic draft-legal specific workouts for the build phase.
Here in Spain draft-legal races are a standard thing so I would like to know what key workouts would be a good idea to change or modify in order to adapt them. Also do you think it's a good idea to introduce a weekly group ride with match burning intervals like the one from the Road Racer chapter?
Thank you!
Riding Indoors and Pedaling Skills, Part 2
In Part 1 I explained why your power output is likely to be lower when riding an indoor trainer as compared with riding on the road. And I also touched on the how this is related to the skills of pedaling a bike. Making some slight changes to how you pedal can benefit not only your indoor power ...
Hi Joe,
I think I may have ending up figuring it by myself. For example, taking a look on the Sprint plan from "Your Best", you establish a margin from 7:10 - 14:50 weekly training hours on Base 1 which according to the table on the Training Bible, that would be around 400 to even 750 annual training hours, taking in to account that in the R&R phase from that period the weekly hours go up to 10:30 (which according to the table, that would be the 750 annual load).
Does that mean that the plan in "Your Best" is intended to be completely flexible in conjunction with having an ATP that works with TSS (like in Trainingpeaks, which is my case)so that you can make adjustments here and there to fit the hours in the plan and your own seasonal objectives with a target CTL for the A races? Does that make any sense or am I overthinking a lot about it? Thank you and don't worry about the delay, your help is invaluable!
Duration and Intensity in Training
The most basic component of training is the balance between workout duration and workout intensity. Whether you are an Olympian or a novice "how long" and "how hard" are the only two variables that can be used to produce a workout within a given sport. How these are balanced is at the heart of p...
Hi Joe,
I have both your Triathlete's Training Bible and Your Best Triathlon books and with them I've learned a lot about the importance of purposeful training and I find myself quickly improving every day (thank you in advance for that!). Now I have a question regarding the Annual Hours between them. In which way is training volume modified on Your Best Triathlon from the Table 7.5 of Weekly Training Hours from the Training Bible? I found that, for example the Sprint plan shifts from 400 minimum annual hours to up to 500 hours, so apparently there's not much correlation between them. What's the point on that? It would be great if you could explain a little about it. Thanks!
Duration and Intensity in Training
The most basic component of training is the balance between workout duration and workout intensity. Whether you are an Olympian or a novice "how long" and "how hard" are the only two variables that can be used to produce a workout within a given sport. How these are balanced is at the heart of p...
Jan Marsal is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 19, 2018
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