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Sharon Goforth
Recent Activity
Yes! So many reading projects! I, too, want to do them all (and will fail miserably)! But its so much fun to try, isn't it? I took a look at the host post for the German Lit month, and they are doing it on Instagram, so I may join in there. I'm working on restarting my blog, but it isn't quite there yet. Have fun with your reading projects!
A Busy Reading Month: November!
Just when I set myself the task of catching up before the end of the year (or sweeping away and cleaning off), what happens? I am pretty dependable at getting myself in over my head when it comes to having too much to read and not enough time to read all aspire to. But then I have bookish fr...
Sharon Goforth is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 1, 2018
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