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Hodge Elmwood
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He's not entirely wrong re: the package size, but...TWO DOZEN EGGS won't feed four people? WTF?
1 reply
Could have been worse. What if they'd named it "Open"? Customer banging on door at 11 pm: Why won't this door open? Employee: I'm sorry, sir, we're closed. Customer: BUT YOUR SIGN SAYS YOU'RE OPEN! YOU HAVE TO LET ME IN! Employee: *sigh*
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Yeah, that was pretty much the ladies room at my last job. It was only one stall. I'd go in there to cry and try to get myself under control so I could go back in the office and pretend it wasn't hell.
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That's ridiculous. Was that a chain hotel or a smaller independent one? If possible, I'd suggest complaining to the owner/corporate. Also you might want to put this story up on Trip Advisor. Sounds like they're short of towels and too cheap to buy more.
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(1) Diet pop tastes like crap. (2) It's none of my employers' business what kind of pop I choose to drink. If you want to encourage healthier choices, include water in the pop machines, but keep your nose out of other people's food/drink choices.
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All customers like to think they're your ONLY customer, and/or that they're so memorable you will know them on sight...even if you've never seen them before. A co-worker of mine once had a phone customer get really pissy with her because my CW didn't recognize the customer's voice. From then on she was very nasty whenever CW had to speak with her. This was a grown woman being snotty because someone didn't recognize her voice over the phone.
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She is absolutely beautiful! Look at her big smile! It was really sweet of you to let the vet and the nurses, etc., get some puppy love!
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Not sure how that would work. I bought the thing at a local branch of a chain store and took it home. The card was inside the sealed box. I would've had to go all the way back to the store (by bus) to hand the card in, and don't know if they have a process for filing these things. And anyway it doesn't indicate anywhere on the card what the third choice might be, how would I even know?
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See, I would've turned around and told her that other people don't want to touch something that's been in some random kid's mouth. Probably would've been fired. I hate people like that.
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Where I live it's not at all unusual for kids of that age and younger to be out running around even later than 10 pm, black, white, or any ethnicity. People around here treat 2 am the same as 2 pm.
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Ha, in this case "first come first served" applies to the customer who called in and had the bread put aside. ;)
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Arrgh that's it I can't stand it anymore, gotta comment. She had an emergency at home but she stopped to shop for groceries and beer?! Sure lady.
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Jul 2, 2018