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@Calgarygary the note E-power out sold the prius 2016 and 2017 and is the sales leader in 2018. The number may look small but it a large number in terms of hybrid sales.
@Roger Pham Nissan one motor two clutch is a water down version of nissan two motor , two clutch, as they remove the motor/generator and only have a traction motor doing both job.
@Roger Pham That is not the reason at all, the like all hybrid high speed affect efficiency, driving at 60 MPH is fine or OK, but 80 MPH will hurt it efficiency. Furthermore Nissan have 17 years of experience in hybrid development with first hybrid release in 2000 in Japan, and no 2007 altima was not nissan first hybrid, nissan develop there own two motor hybrid system, so they should have some sort of experience with battery, and nissan also have E 4WD drive system from 2002, which behaves technical like the current EV series .
@HarveyD Nissan have their first ever really hybrid 17 years ago, sold only in Japan called 'tino hybrid', which was a parallel hybrid which uses two motor, two clutch and a CVT, and had a solar rear glass which store energy in a battery and power the small ACC. It use LI-ON battery which was a bit larger and more enrgy density than the prius battery which it it allow it to run a bit more distant under EV mode. A version of the tino hybrid can be found on top speed who got 600 miles out of a single tank. Hope this is not a repeat of nissan Japan only, which 11 years after, they bring a water down version called one motor two clutch in the infiniti, then the nissan itself.
@KoKomoKid1 No hybrid is efficient at highway speed, they are all most efficient at low speed, including the E power, they all suffer from efficiency at high speed. And the E power is not a gas hog as speed at 60 MPH, It more efficient than the prius, that why it outselling it in Japan, it 80 MPH that will hurt it just like any parallel hybrid. In Automotivenews test drive the driver got 55 MPG going up hills in the note e-power, but of course the drive was done in eco mode.
@KoKomoKid1 world leader in automotive reporting , Automotive news , that test drive the note E-power got 88 MPG real world or EV journey Or Forbes media.
@gryf The alliance has PHEV develop already, it will be launch in 2020 in nissan and renault vehicles, Mitsubishi has the PHEV system which nissan can tap from, which can be adopted to large vehicle and LCV, and Renault and Nissan was developing their own PHEV before, which can be used on A,B,and C segment vehicles.
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Nov 15, 2018