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Brynn Simons
Recent Activity
Anne B. McGrail’s, “The ‘Whole Game’: Digital Humanities at Community Colleges,” discusses the uphill battle of incorporating digital humanities into the community college environment and I think a lot of her essay addresses intersectional issues that are unique to community college students. Being someone who has worked their way through... Continue reading
I really love the concept of using GIS mapping or digital mapping to demonstrate aspects of history concerning spaces rather than people. Matthew Booker’s, “Visualizing San Francisco Bay’s Forgotten Past,” and Stephen Robertson’s, “Putting Harlem on the Map,” explain two different ways of excavating a city’s history, one with an... Continue reading
I really love the concept of using GIS mapping or digital mapping to demonstrate aspects of history concerning spaces rather than people. Matthew Booker’s, “Visualizing San Francisco Bay’s Forgotten Past,” and Stephen Robertson’s, “Putting Harlem on the Map,” explain two different ways of excavating a city’s history, one with an... Continue reading
Combining Victoria Szabo’s, “Knowledge in 3D: How 3D data visualization is reshaping our world,” and Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein’s, “Feminist Data Visualization,” articles, it feels like we’re on the precipice of genuine growth potential with the way we can share and display data. While listening to Kate Bush’s,... Continue reading
Erik Malcolm Champion’s article caught my attention immediately because of the amount of focus textual analysis get when compared to other areas of research in the digital humanities. My reasoning for this when I initially noticed this discrepancy was perhaps it’s easier to do text research on literature when compared... Continue reading
It is always interesting to read articles about archives written by individuals who have not worked in one. Some parts of this article were particularly eye-roll inducing, especially since it vaguely calls for the dissolution of archives. Archives all over the world have been working extremely hard to try and... Continue reading
While reading this article I kept thinking about specific examples on Instagram (I am not a Twitter user but I’m sure the same could be said for that social media platform as well in the same context of this article) that countered the first three-quarters of this article and it... Continue reading
After our last class, I wanted to post some resources related to introductory coding or programming. These websites are fairly well known, but I did find them after doing a google search. I’m not a programmer or have an extensive computer background, but I’ve found doing some of these helps... Continue reading
Shortly after getting my bachelor’s in social work, I knew I wanted to pursue a Master’s in Library and Information Sciences. Since I initially was drawn to public libraries and the service to communities that those libraries do especially in Oklahoma, I was drawn toward the issue of the digital... Continue reading
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Aug 24, 2018