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Dexter Woltman
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Brunette Games put our best ideas forward when working with our client MicroFun to consult on their narrative content for Jellipop Match. Brunette Games analyzed the existing elements in the game and offered ways to enrich the story. With the dedicated team at MicroFun, Jellipop Match features an exciting island adventure where the young wizard Bingo is trying to restore a tropical villa! With magical themes and a colorful Match-3 gameplay system, Jellipop Match has plenty of fun to offer for fans of wizardry and puzzles alike! Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2022 at Brunette Games
Our core team consists of five people with the experience, skill, and training to both write and design games, whether that means coming up with the plan for each game scene's environmental art, designing a game narrative arc across several seasons, devising new characters, or writing character dialogue, tutorial messages, and other in-game text. We straddle the lines between creative and analytical as we draft hilarious jokes while designing a choice-based matrix or a statistics system. All of us have or are working toward degrees in writing or the humanities, three of the five hold master's degrees, and two of those are specifically in writing. We hope you like our stories. Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2021 at Brunette Games
Who doesn’t love a good joke? Here at Brunette Games, we’ve always believed in three pillars of game storytelling: conflict, mystery, and connection. While there are various forms of connection, one of its cores is the emotional investment players form with the characters and story in a game. One way to bridge this connection is through the use of humor. Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2020 at Brunette Games
What’s not to love about an adorable penguin who makes ice cream? When Redemption Games’ phenomenal Sweet Escapes first launched, the story centered on a bunny, Joy, doing her best to fix up some sweet shops that have hit hard times. Joy quickly met various friends to help her on her journey, one of whom is Scoops, a sweets-loving penguin. Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2020 at Brunette Games
There are two main components to PixelPop. The first is the expo hall, where dozens of designers show off their creative visions in gaming, whether that be video gaming or tabletop gaming. The second is a series of talks coming from industry veterans that cover a wide range of game design topics. Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2019 at Brunette Games
Anyone who has known me for long knows that I’ve always had a habit of writing stories about my friends. In high school, it was short stories and books about friends. In college, it evolved into a different format... first movie scripts, and then games about my friends. Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2019 at Brunette Games
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Oct 1, 2018