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Stephane Guero
Recent Activity
Here is a bonus, a very nice split screen (on Minnie Riperton’s Inside my love) from a very good French rom-com that most of you probably don’t know: Une rencontre (Quantum love) with the gorgeous Sophie Marceau (The world is not enough) and the great François Cluzet (The intouchables):
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2018 on Rom-Com Moments #1 at Living the Romantic Comedy
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For those who may be interested in watching them, here are the links : - Down with love: - The rules of attraction: - When Harry met Sally: - Annie Hall: - Pillow talk: - Indiscreet: But (500) days of summer’s split screen is probably the most interesting! Does anyone remember another use of split screen in a rom-com?
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2018 on Rom-Com Moments #1 at Living the Romantic Comedy
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Thanks Billy for reminding us of this stunning use of split screen. Here are others examples of split-screens in rom-coms: Down with love, The rules of attraction, When Harry met Sally, Annie Hall, Pillow talk, Indiscreet…
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2018 on Rom-Com Moments #1 at Living the Romantic Comedy
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Thanks Billy for your reply. I look forward to reading your post on this year's rom-coms. Crazy Rich Asians (that I truly enjoyed) and some fairly good rom-coms (Love, Simon - To all the boys I've loved before - Nappily ever after - Set it up...) seem to be more diverse and inclusive. They’re not only about love, they are also about tolerance. For my part, this is the kind of movie I write :)
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2018 on Begin Again at Living the Romantic Comedy
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Dear Billy, It is great to read you again :) Your comeback on this blog and the new edition of your book are great news! I'd love to get your view on the rom-coms released over the past 12 months... Did you notice a particular trend or novelty? Greeting from France, Stephane
Toggle Commented Nov 20, 2018 on Begin Again at Living the Romantic Comedy
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Nov 20, 2018