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Shela Shela
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I've been to southern Illinois and it's not all that great. There were many cities I didn't feel safe in such as east St. Louis and carbondale. A friend of mine wore as Navy Pier shirt onetime when we were in carbondale visiting a friend at SIU. talk about getting teased and picked on. a lot of those people were rude. She told me she felt uncomfortable down state because of the rudeness. Why should people in Chicago or the suburbs suffer just because some people down south are not happy? We didn't do anything wrong, Springfield is taking all the money not Chicago. A majority of stuff being built in Chicago are from private donations, not from state money. Also not all governors were from Chicago, Ryan was from Kankakee, IL. Money is what makes people have greed or coruption, so if we get rid of Chicago they will just create another large city to make a toruist attraction and bring money in, and that will evenually become corrupt.
State rep calls for Chicago to be 51st State
SPRINGFIELD - Thursday, State Rep Brad Halbrook , with the support of his downstate colleagues Chris Miller and Darren Bailey introduced HR 101, suggesting that Illinois split into two states between the City of Chicago and the rest of the state - making Chicago the 51st state. The resolution's...
How is separating Chicago from the rest of the state going to help. A majority of the income to the state comes from Chicago and the suburbs, if you take that away how is it going to help the rest of the state?
A majority of stuff being built in Chicago are being built by private donations, because even Chicago isn't getting any money. Springfield is the one taking all the money, but you want to get rid of Chicago.
Not all of the governors have come from Chicago. Ryan was from Kankakee, IL.
State rep calls for Chicago to be 51st State
SPRINGFIELD - Thursday, State Rep Brad Halbrook , with the support of his downstate colleagues Chris Miller and Darren Bailey introduced HR 101, suggesting that Illinois split into two states between the City of Chicago and the rest of the state - making Chicago the 51st state. The resolution's...
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Feb 10, 2019
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