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Mohamed Azri
Recent Activity
What Jeff Kennet is trying to say is that it is Middle Eastern Muslim thugs 'judging' the behaviour of fans. The same Muslim thugs that seem to be so prevalent in our security industry.
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2019 on AFL re-education at Michael Smith News
He hadn't really any other options, hoping that they are so long gone we'd have forgotten. Now he couldn't really have used Tanya 'I never knew my husband was a major heroin-dealer' Plibersek? Nor Kimberley 'HSU branch-stacker, permit forger, FWC liar and bankrupt' Kitchings, nor even the uber-disgraced Kathy Jackson. Nope Labor has a women problem... they're pretty much all undeserving spivs!
Signing up to is also a must if you truly want to combat the impending Socialist Labor/Greens/Unions/GetUp alliance!
If you are more worried about 'immigration' semantics than the impending Socialist Labor/Greens/Unions/GetUp alliance then you really are an ignorant dolt!
If 'immigration' semantics was the only thing worrying you about the impending Socialist Labor/Greens alliance... then you really are an ignorant dolt!
Mohamed Azri is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 30, 2018