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Katie Snyder
Recent Activity
Hello! I can't believe that this is our final blog post and that our client presentation is next week! It's a relief to know that all of our hard work will finally be appreciated, but also nerve racking. Last Monday was our final meeting with our client Tyler and he gave us some great pointers on how we should present. He mentioned how we're presenting to mainly CEOs, so they're not going to hesitate on asking the hard question. I am a bit nervous for this, but know that our group did great research and could answer any questions they... Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! The final presentation is getting closer and closer everyday! Our YPO group had a very productive week last week. As I mentioned in my last post, each member of our group was assigned different insight topics and created an in-depth outline of each of them. Since our class was cancelled last week, our group met in the classroom anyway to discuss each of our outlines. We critiqued the outlines and decided what we should keep, what we should discard, and what we should expand upon. I think this was a great exercise for all of us because it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hello! Last Monday, my group had our second review conference call with Dianne. I am very glad that we did because now I feel like our group has more of a focus and drive on what we need to get done for the final report. We were somewhat confused how to do our presentation and report because our assignment from YPO did not necessarily align with what was in the capstone course manual. Dianne helped us identify on what aspects of the manual we need to focus on and also what we should do moving forward in order to synthesize... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! I can’t believe that it’s the end of spring break and we are moving along into the final weeks of the semester! Even though that it was spring break, our group actually did a lot on our project. We made sure that all of the interviews were tied up, then throughout the week did our editing on the transcriptions of the interviews. We listened to the recordings and compared the in person notes to create a master transcription that will help us with the insights. A couple of weeks ago, we created our insights spreadsheet to organize out... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! We have finally completed the last of our in-person interviews! We have about two more interviews to do over the phone during spring break. We also go to do an interview with our YPO contact, Tyler. It was great being able to get the input of someone who truly knows what our objective is. Now that the interviews are officially over, we are focusing even more on the analysis phase. When we met the last time, we created a list of attributes that we want to convey to YPO. These groupings were created based on trends that we... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! We are right on track to finish our last interviews before spring break, so this is our last week! In total, we will finish with 41 interviews. I think I have been present for more than half of the interviews, so needless to say I am going to be relieved when we are finished with them. Last Monday, we met with our contact Tyler to discuss our progress and how he expects us to set up our final presentation to the board. Before we met with him, our group meet a little bit beforehand to make sure that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
I hope everyone is moving with their project as confidently as my YPO group is. We have successfully completed our first list of 30 members to interview. Now, we are moving onto our second list of 30 members. We sent out the first round of emails asking to schedule interviews. We plan on stopping interviews the week of spring break so that we have enough time to go over the large amount of data we have. By the end of our interviews, we plan on having about 45 under our belt. It’s great having that much data to gather insights... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! This week we are still moving along with interviews for YPO. We have basically met our initial minimum quota of 20 interviews. It has taken us a lot less time than was initially planned because we have had good participation from the YPO members and our capstone group. We have also requested more contact information of YPO members to hopefully complete more interviews. The number of interviews we currently have is enough to see trends and be statistically significant, but we all would feel more confident in the info we present to YPO if we had a couple... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! Here we are again with another week down! This upcoming week we have our first review with Dianne on Tuesday. I am eager to see what advice she has for us moving forward! We are still moving along with our interviews for YPO. I completed 1 interview last week and have 3 this upcoming week. In total, I believe that we have completed 12 interviews so far. At first, we were all concerned about being able to finish 30 interviews, but for as well as we are doing, I believe that we will finish sooner than expected. Once... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hi everyone! I hope all of your projects are going well. My group is focusing on the engagement opportunities involving members of YPO. On Monday, we met with our YPO contact to finalize our deliverables and ask any further questions that we had about the interview process. We decided that in order to keep our contact up to date with our progress, we will give him weekly updates on any issues or insights. This week, we began to really get into our interviews. We finished about 7 interviews with YPO members who are CEOs of companies throughout Cincinnati and Northern... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
During this past week, my YPO group and I have started to get more into the swing of things with getting our interviews ready. We just recently received the list of members we can get in touch with to interview, but we do not have any finished yet. Our first couple of ones are coming up this week. We all are ready to get started to see where the insights lead us. The first interview that I am going to be a part of is this coming Thursday. I feel very grateful to have such a good group to work... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
Hello everyone! I hope all of your capstone projects are going well so far! I am working with the YPO group. YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization) is a society for young, chief executives to network, enhance their business, and gain experiences. They have over 27,000 members and are in more than 130 countries. They have exclusive membership criteria and over 450 chapters. We will be focusing on the Cincinnati chapter as we proceed with our assignment. Our project had a somewhat unique approach to the beginning of the semester compared to all of the other groups. We have a larger number... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2019 at CAPSTONE!
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Jan 18, 2019