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Nasir Khan Khan
Recent Activity
In any case, he additionally broadly doesn't put resources into businesses which he doesn't get it. This, I assume, discounts substantial portions of the tech businesses which have had cosmic development.
**Robert Armstrong, Oliver Ralph and Eric Platt**:...
**Robert Armstrong, Oliver Ralph and Eric Platt**: _[Warren Buffett: ‘I’m Having More Fun Than Any 88-Year-Old in the World’]( "Warren Buffett. Over the past 54 years, shares in his company, Berkshire Hathaway, have outpaced the S&...
Wait a second, an Inspector General of the DOJ overruled a Special Counsel? That seems counterintuitive. Maybe clarice can weigh in on that but that might even be uncharted territory for her. Maybe Rosenstein would coordinate it to Mueller's satisfaction but that would have to involve some back and forths.
If You Lack For Worries
Bret Stephens argues we are overspending on a military preparing to fight the last war. He's probably right and we can only hope the future does not prove it. Left unmentioned - the next Democratic Presidential nominee will have no trouble finding places to cut the defense budget. Sensible inves...
Nasir Khan Khan is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 26, 2019
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