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One Trick Pony
Recent Activity
Old news that keeps on giving:
"World War would be better, I'm sure!"
"Huge taxes, if you want a cure!"
"No oil, kids, or beef!"
What brought all this grief?
The Magical Misery Tour!
Clarice, congrats on the Instylaunch!
Send Better Nukes!
Damn it, we can't nuke hurricanes and now we can't even nuke climate change. The problem? US electric production is only responsible for about a quarter of US greenhouse gas emissions. Even if we went all-in on nuclear, hydropower and other renewables we'd have a lot of carbon left over in trans...
Thanks Caro and all!
Greenland Debate Turns Icy
Trump to snub Denmark because their PM had the same reaction the idea of the US purchasing Greenland as everyone else? Cue "I Started A Joke".
So sorry. Rocco. My prayers and sympathy to you and your family.
Greenland Debate Turns Icy
Trump to snub Denmark because their PM had the same reaction the idea of the US purchasing Greenland as everyone else? Cue "I Started A Joke".
Dirty Donnie's ads you dare to diss?
Though the Target's right there on your list?
Ask yourself Zuckie,
"Do I feel lucky?"
'cause you make him take aim, he won't miss.
Greenland Debate Turns Icy
Trump to snub Denmark because their PM had the same reaction the idea of the US purchasing Greenland as everyone else? Cue "I Started A Joke".
Crowdsourced parody! I love it.
Neither Trump Nor Epstein! Fredo Breaks Bad!
Vacationing Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo captured a news cycle by, well, threatening to throw it down some stairs. It's August and this is SO much more fun than writing about Jeffrey Epstein, Orange Man Bad, mass shootings, gun laws, tariffs, Hong Kong protestors about to be massacred, or most news, actu...
Keep it comin' Cap'n. Lol
Neither Trump Nor Epstein! Fredo Breaks Bad!
Vacationing Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo captured a news cycle by, well, threatening to throw it down some stairs. It's August and this is SO much more fun than writing about Jeffrey Epstein, Orange Man Bad, mass shootings, gun laws, tariffs, Hong Kong protestors about to be massacred, or most news, actu...
Neither Trump Nor Epstein! Fredo Breaks Bad!
Vacationing Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo captured a news cycle by, well, threatening to throw it down some stairs. It's August and this is SO much more fun than writing about Jeffrey Epstein, Orange Man Bad, mass shootings, gun laws, tariffs, Hong Kong protestors about to be massacred, or most news, actu...
Capt, yes! Do! :-)
Neither Trump Nor Epstein! Fredo Breaks Bad!
Vacationing Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo captured a news cycle by, well, threatening to throw it down some stairs. It's August and this is SO much more fun than writing about Jeffrey Epstein, Orange Man Bad, mass shootings, gun laws, tariffs, Hong Kong protestors about to be massacred, or most news, actu...
Look! Biden is practic'ly bouncing.
Let's watch the big news he's announcing...
Wow! Uncle Joe's flash?
It's a gaffe, gaffe, GAFFE!
In fact, he just begs for a trouncing.
Neither Trump Nor Epstein! Fredo Breaks Bad!
Vacationing Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo captured a news cycle by, well, threatening to throw it down some stairs. It's August and this is SO much more fun than writing about Jeffrey Epstein, Orange Man Bad, mass shootings, gun laws, tariffs, Hong Kong protestors about to be massacred, or most news, actu...
Mamas no habla NDAs.
Just Awful In Paris
Notre Dame burns. On the life/lemonade spectrum, no one was hurt and this will give France, and much of the world, an opportunity to unite for a worthy cause. I don't know how much expertise the US can contribute but we will surely pitch in. Furthermore: A French firefighter official told report...
Lili-beth is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 9, 2019
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