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I had a question, I have the following references to put in my reference list:
Aikins, K. (2014, October 03). Why networking is key in bringing alumni relations into the 21st century. Retrieved from
Aikins, K., Sands, A., & White, N. (2009). The Global Irish Making a Difference Together. Retrieved from
Aikins, K., & White, N. (2011). Global Diaspora Strategies Toolkit. Retrieved from
Would this be the correct order? I do not know whether the one that has only one Author goes first because it does not have any other letters to put in the Alphabetical order or if I shoulf move on looking at the date or the first letter of the title.
Thank you in advance!
Alphabetization in APA Style
by Chelsea Lee Alphabetization—did you know there was anything more than A, B, C? (Surprise! There is, or this post would be really short.) Although we all learned our alphabet a long time ago, when you're writing a research paper your references can and do come from authors around the world...
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May 21, 2019
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