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Mitch Nathanson
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Focusing on the relatively worthless ball, itself, is beside the point. Rather, it’s bringing it home and proudly displaying it on our mantelpiece as a memory-triggering device that constitutes the value. It's this process that transforms a valueless ball into a priceless artifact. Continue reading
While I have no issue with any fan who wants to surrender their hard-won foul ball to a kid or anyone else, I find the social enforcement of this newfangled tradition unsettling, telling, and sad. And I want to explain – right now, so there will be no misunderstanding later – why I’m never giving your kid the ball I catch no matter what. Continue reading
The Branch Rickey story is a narrative heist that once again leaves the Black men and those in the alternative press who did the hard work to right an entrenched wrong on the sidelines, spectators to their own history. As baseball celebrates yet another Jackie Robinson Day it might be worthwhile to ask: whose story is it really celebrating? Continue reading
Yesterday, on what should have been the day after the Hall of Fame’s Golden Days era committee elected him for enshrinement, Dick Allen died at home in Wampum, PA. It was the final injustice in what for him had been a lifetime of them perpetrated by the baseball establishment. Continue reading
Ho, Ho, Ho, says Phillies owner John Middleton, Merry Christmas! Why, it’s not even December and already Middleton and friends have blessed Delaware Valley baseball fans by giving them the gift they’ll put to good use for the next year at least – the gift of not caring about this travesty of a baseball team. Continue reading
Celebrating yourself for ceasing to inflict a harm you never should have inflicted at all strikes a discordant note in the symphony MLB likes to play for itself Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist We do it all the time, whenever we’re confronted with the bare facts of a reality we’d rather not confront. Did you see Uncle Phil? Wow, he looks terrible. He really let himself go. Man, he got old. What a shame.... Continue reading
If we’re looking for positives in this 2020 baseball season here’s a big one: the fever grip of stubborn intractability that has had a death grip on the game for over a century has loosened. Who knows what will happen once things return to normal. But maybe now baseball has been freed to fix itself at last. Continue reading
MLB has failed in its attempt to return from COVID-19. What can we learn from it? Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist In 2003, the final year of Veterans Stadium, my third base field level tickets cost 26 bucks apiece. By that point it had become fashionable to call the Vet a dump because, well, it was. The place was falling apart, it... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Whatever name the Washington football club decides upon going forward we can agree on at least two things: 1) some people will be upset regardless; and 2) no matter the name, if you think hard enough about it you’ll come to... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist 50 games, 70 games, 65 games, whatever. Let’s get this nightmare of a season started, if only so we can all shut up about it and get it over with. Sort of like the rationale behind leaving for Aunt Rose’s Goulash-infused... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Until a few days ago I was on the other side. Baseball -- and basketball, football, hockey, whatever – ought to remain on the sidelines and not jump the queue. Sure, I missed the games but why should professional sports return... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Anybody tells you that I missed practice -- If a coach says I miss practice And y’all hear it. Then that’s that. I might have missed one practice this year. But if somebody says, He doesn’t come to practice It can... Continue reading
Spare me another article on athletes missing out on the last ounce of their privilege due to the coronavirus quarantine Continue reading
The damage to spectator sports might not be so much that we don’t have them right now. The damage might very well be that when they return we’ll no longer want them around. Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Regardless of whether you found yesterday's unveiling of a rejiggered Phanatic acceptable or not we should all be clear as to what that unveiling represents: the organization's determination to hoard every last dollar out there. Without getting into the specifics of... Continue reading
Do you like our new green man? We do not like him, say Phillies fans. Continue reading
The Phillies reacted to the death of Kobe Bryant by retiring Roy Halladay's number. Wait, what? Continue reading
Baseball’s original sin resides in the chasm between what we want it to be and what it in fact is. When it fails it’s not that it fails differently but that it fails in ways that show that its no different than any other institution in American life Continue reading
Mike Fiers's sin was not lying but telling too much of the truth. In the insular world of baseball, he'll be made to suffer for it. Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist ‘Twas the night before Christmas and throughout CBP No one was happy, least of all Girardi The winter meetings took place just a few days before, Where they won a few battles but just lost the war. For while Didi was... Continue reading
Marvin Miller spoke the words that set the players free. Dick Allen lived them. Cooperstown should take note of that reality. Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Seeking to capitalize on the growing number of fans not in any way interested in actually watching professional sports, executives of both the Phillies and Flyers have recently undertaken bold initiatives to tap into this burgeoning market. “We recognize that along... Continue reading
Embed from Getty Images By Mitch Nathanson, Historical Columnist Kevin Cook watched a four-decade-old baseball game on the internet and decided to write 253 pages about it. Or at least that’s how it feels. Although his book is officially titled “Ten Innings at Wrigley,” the first two-thirds of it screams,... Continue reading