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Scott Cashin
Hudson Valley, NY
Self-taught Capologist with a degree in Economics
Interests: 76ers Basketball, Dry Aging Meat and playing with my children
Recent Activity
With more details on Harris's contract coming out, his 2019/20 base year looks to be worth 30% @ $32,742,000. Doesn't impact the other details outside the total team salary.
And to be more clear - Neto and O'Quinn will take home the amounts shown. Their cap hit to the team is only $1,620,565 since they were only deals for 1 year. The difference is paid by the league in this case.
How the 76ers Were Able to Maximize Their Cap Space
By Scott Cashin, Sports Talk Philly writer Just like packing a suitcase, the Philadelphia 76ers maximized their cap space during free agency by executing contracts in a certain order. After shedding Jonathon Simmons’s contract during the draft, the 76ers had only four players under contract (Joe...
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Jul 2, 2019
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