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David C Westcot
Rhode island
Recent Activity
Welcome back Mr Talbott, After dining with you vicariously for many years I have missed my daily lunch for the past several months. If only I had lost 10-15 lbs during my internet fasting....
Kind regards,
David Westcott
Joia by Helene Darroze in the 2nd: I went expecting the worst, and well..... it's a mixed bag.
7.3 Joia par Helene Darroze, 39, rue des Jeuniers in the 2nd,, closed Sunday nights (Metro: Grands Boulevards or Bourse) is a place I went to great trepidation; my last two meals with the cheffe have been among the worst in my life and I vowed never again to darken her doo...
David C Westcot is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2019
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