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Aubri Strachan
Recent Activity
Five Months Later
After spending five months at home students finally started to arrive back on the hill. While many things have changed about Norwich many things remain the same. Seeing my rook family after spending time at home was something that brought a smile to all of our faces. We found our new rooms met new roommates and quickly fell back into the swing of being on campus. Students have been arriving in waves and academics will be starting soon. Sunday, August 23, 2020, was the first day for a new group of aspiring cadets. This rook class has many different obstacles that the rest of us did not face but they are still experiencing rookdom in full swing. They watched their cadre give the cadet leaders oath then quickly saw what was in store for the coming semester with the Sergeant Majors brief. Rooks marched back to the UP to meet... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2020 at In Their Words
Museum Excitement
The museum on campus is lucky enough to be a Smithsonian affiliate. This allows the director and curators to rotate out exhibits. Recently the exhibit went from "200 Years 200 Objects" to "Forged and Fired". Being a work study employee at the museum I was able to help with the opening of the new exhibit as well as help with some of the display prior to opening. There are many swords and guns that have historical significance to the university or history in the country and world. There are swords that were gift to General Sullivan (a prominent Norwich alumni) from foreign military leaders to weapons used during the civil war. When visiting campus the museum will always have something new to see and experience. The new exhibit is something that has been long in the making! Go check out the "Forged and Fired" display! Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2020 at In Their Words
Discuss, Listen, Learn
Norwich University provides many opportunities for students to dive deeper into their major. One of the opportunities that I was able to participate in was the first ever Norwich NATO policy contest. This was an opportunity for students to present their research and argument for a policy or issue within NATO. This year the topic was, "Should Turkey Remain a Member of NATO? Why or why not?" I was asked to participate by a friend that I got to know during alternative Thanksgiving break. We researched and provided reasoning on why Turkey should remain a member of the organization. We were judged by two French scholars. A team from both sides of the debate moved on to the final round. While my team was not chosen to move forward the opportunity to discuss our findings to international scholars was an amazing opportunity. These are the opportunities that set Norwich University... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2020 at In Their Words
Abare Academic Excellence Dinner
On the night of February sixth freshman in the corps that excelled academically were invited to and attended the Jack Abare Academic Excellence Dinner. We enjoyed a good meal while socializing with other freshman scholars. Dr. Vanecek spoke to the group. He told two stories. One about a professor who changed his life and another about a student who shared how his life was changed. He then explained how the two stories were connected and that as students we will be influenced and touched by many people and when that happens we have to return the favor and help others at all times because you never know when you may touch someone. He related this chain to the game everyone played growing up and many still play today, Tag. His speech to us was moving and gave many of us something to think about as we walked back to barracks... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2020 at In Their Words
Penguin Plunge
On Saturday February 1st, two buses of Norwich Students went to Burlington. We were volunteering at the 25th annual Penguin Plunge. All of the volunteers spent the day cheering on different groups that raised money for the Special Olympics of Vermont. This event takes place at Lake Champlain each winter. Everyone who raised money for Special Olympics went running into the near frozen lake. While it seems crazy that anyone would be willing to do this when you see the joy in the athletes of the Special Olympics members it makes every freezing moment worth it. At the end of the event many of the Norwich students plunged. We ran to the edge of the water, stopped did push ups as a group and got into the water. The instant freeze you feel takes your breath away and running out of the water makes you want to find a warm... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2020 at In Their Words
Winter Fun and Opportunities
Vermont is known for some extremely cold temperatures but with this cold comes new opportunities! Before Christmas break they started constructing the ice rink on the WCC green. Now, people are on the ice playing hockey and skating with friends almost all of the time. The cold weather can be fun when opportunities arise. On February 1st many student volunteers will be heading to Burlington bright and early to help and participate in the Penguin Plunge to help raise money for the Vermont Special Olympics. There are hockey games frequently held on campus and the opportunity to snowshoe and hike the mountain or take a shuttle to near by ski lift to spend the weekend skiing. The cold weather isn't fun when there is nothing to do but you will quickly find new ways to have fun and enjoy the season! Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2020 at In Their Words
Educational Opportunities
As a first year cadet the freshman and newly recognized cadets are settling into life as a college student. Many of us are taking more classes and some that are more challenging than what we had our first semester. As a second semester political science major I am taking history and political classes as well as the basic English and foreign language classes that I need. I am excited to become more involved in other clubs and activities now that I am settled into the "college life." One of the exciting things that I am doing is competing in a Norwich NATO Policy contest. On February 3rd six pairs will compete defending one side of the debate of Turkey remaining in The North Atlantic Treaty Agreement. Norwich has many different opportunities such as this in every field of study. There are constantly guest speakers and panels of professors discussing and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2020 at In Their Words
Day of Service
Twice a year the Center for Civic Engagement holds a day of service. For the spring semester I was able to return to the site I was at in the fall. This location now has a special place in my heart. For both days I painted. In the fall I painted the inside of the location and this past Saturday I painted to shelving units that are being installed now. In the city of Barre there is a small building with an attic space that is going to serve many people. The Rotary in Barre is partnering with a few other organizations to turn this attic into a space to store clothing, hygiene items and anything else that may be needed in order to get homeless back on their feet and to give foster children the basic things they need. Every time I participate in an event like this I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2020 at In Their Words
Fall 2019: Semester in Rewind
After a little over four months I am excited to say that I have completed my first semester at Norwich. I have so many amazing stories and opportunities that I would have never expected in just a single semester. I have made friends that will last forever and a home away from home in many ways. In the past four months I have completed 13 credit hours of studying as well as completing the first phase of one of the biggest things that sets Norwich apart from any other University. Talking to my friends from home they are experiencing many different things that what I have. Talking to them lately I have found that I must explain a significant amount more than I do when talking to other Norwich students. I like to refer to these stories and lessons as “Norwichisms.” The lessons that I have learned in and outside... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2020 at In Their Words
Christmas Dinner
T'was the night before finals and all across campus cadets were in tunics laughing and enjoying the last moments before Christmas break. The chow hall had Christmas dinner ready to enjoy and the new privates were excited to have dinner together. Following dinner and the eggnog drinking contest my platoon had a Secret Santa gift exchange and Cadre impressions. We laughed and enjoyed talking to each other while seeing the random gifts that we got for each other. Following the exchange we were able to act as our cadre and make fun of them in any way we wanted to laugh and look back on the past semester. From the random memories that made us all laugh to recreating the worst parts of rookdom in a sarcastic and humorous way we enjoyed laughing at each other and those who trained us to become cadets. Going home is going to be... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2019 at In Their Words
CONGRATULATIONS FELLOW (former) ROOKS! 109 days ago we all showed up to campus wearing our storms not sure what was going to happen following the moment we left our families. Last night at 2244 the Regimental Commander recognized us in the true Norwich Tradition. We were yelling knowledge at the top of our lungs excited and ready for the night. Marching off of the UP was the last time we were ever going to march as rooks. The last moments of rookdom had arrived. Now a rewind of the past 2,626 hours and 44 minutes. AKA our entire rookdom. Rook week: We ran all over campus like chickens with their heads chopped off. We were confused lost and all sorts of scared. From the moments of checking off everything in our foot lockers to PT every morning, loud and terrifying wake ups, chow, mil skills day, academic day, and Finally... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2019 at In Their Words
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving break is here and the Norwich Thanksgiving Dinner is something that I am thankful for this year. This tradition shows that the people around you truly are your family. The term "rook brothers/sisters/cousins" seems strange and you eventually get used to it. During our dinner the phrase sank in and I realized that it is true. The people you go through rookdom with share all of the same experiences, memories, and values that you do. Your platoon will be the first people there for you when you go through anything in life. The good or bad they are the people you lean on through it all. The day started the same as every other but going into the afternoon we had a PT session where we did things as a group raced each other and had fun while getting our workout in for the day. We marched back to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2019 at In Their Words
Rookie FTX
Every year the rook companies go out for a day and conduct a "FTX" or Field Training Exercise. Saturday November 16th was First Companies day to go out. We were lead by the sophomores of Alpha Company. We got up at our normal 0530 and marched out of barracks towards Mt. Paine at 0600. Once we arrived at the Shaw center we were split into groups. Every rook was paired with a sophomore. There were several different activities as you made your way up the mountain. My group started by building shelters, then moved into the litter carry, Skeds, and finally finished with First aid. Every station was about a half mile or more apart. You arrived to the station participated in a short PT warm up session went into the activity or helped keep the fires going. During this event I was able to interact with upperclassmen, spend time... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2019 at In Their Words
NU Day of Service
Twice a year the Center for Civic Engagement hosts a "Day of Services." They get as many volunteers as possible and split everyone into several different groups that go to different locations for various projects. I was sent with a group of 6 people in total. We went and volunteered with the Rotary club in Barre. Our team spent the day in an old house that the city of Barre owns. Different sections are going to be used for different things. We worked in the upstairs area of the house. We painted, cleaned, fixed windows and painted even more! This space will be used as a "closet" for foster children and families to get supplies for the foster kids to start off on a better foot with more than just the clothes on their back. The six of us laughed and talked through the whole event while accomplishing some major... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2019 at In Their Words
Experiences and Opportunities to Help Others
When I decided to come to Norwich one of the biggest factors in my choice was the service opportunities. Serving others in my home town was a huge part of my life and what made me the person I am now and I was when I arrived over two months ago in Vermont. This past weekend I participated in two different service projects that brought a smile to my face when I saw how happy and excited community members were to see students and get the help they needed to get through the winter. On Saturday I went off campus to participate in Wheels for Warmth. This is an annual event that takes place over multiple days and locations. People will drop off tires and they will be evaluated to see if they can be reused or if the need recycled. Then they sell sets of tires for extremely low... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2019 at In Their Words
Regimental Ball
After leaving high school many people think that their Senior prom is the biggest formal event they would experience. As a Norwich Student the Regimental Ball is a much bigger and more exciting event. For all the females in the corps it is a way to dress up and get out of Uniform. As a rook it is even more exciting. My rook sisters and I spent hours getting ready. We got the opportunity to do our hair however we wanted, wear makeup and dress up. The ball itself is an amazing opportunity. There are traditions that happen at the beginning. The Senior Class is announced to all of the attendees, MCW puts together the Prisoner of War and Missing in Action Table, and The Shock Platoon demonstrated their skills. After the normal traditions were finished everyone had time to dance talk and have fun together. The night was an... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2019 at In Their Words
Parents Weekend
For the first time since arrival day Rooks had the opportunity to get off campus and see their families. The experience to see our families or interact with others was something that we all know was needed. Talking to our parents for the first time (for more than ten minutes) many of us started to realize the changes in ourselves. For many of us the best moments of the weekend was the ability to sleep in, eat good food, and sit or lay down on a couch. From the dinner on Thursday night until Sunday at 4:00 pm. There were many different things that went through each of our minds. From excitement of seeing our family to going back to campus and knowing that there were many things that may happen. From the pass and review and football march down having our family gave a sense of pride and accomplishment... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2019 at In Their Words
Week Eight
Starting the first day of Academic week seven and week eight of Rookdom seems unbelievable. Looking back it seems like just yesterday I was sitting with a group of people I had never met in a class room waiting for the unknown. In that moment I was terrified. We sat in silence for a few minutes nobody knew what was to come. When several cadets came in and introduced themselves. Everything began in that moment. From their Rook week is almost a blur. I remember only a few key events. Thinking about everything that has happened since then it almost seems like these things were a lifetime ago. We have come so far. No in a few short days many of us will see our parents for the first time since the day we started. There are a few things that have happened over the past seven weeks. Some seem... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2019 at In Their Words
Military Writers Symposium
Being a student at Norwich you get many unique opportunities. From being able to talk to alumni that have accomplished more than you ever knew was possible to attending events hosted on campus. This past week the "Peace and War Center" here on campus hosted the Military Writers Symposium as a segment of the Todd Lecture Series. This year there were two speaker that were mandatory for Corps of Cadets students. One was a panel that had three very successful authors that are involved in government relations. They discussed technology playing into war. How technology has continued to advance and where the problems lay when dealing with the military and Wars. The second one we attended we had to be formed up on the UP no later than 0530. It seemed crazy that we were going to march down to a speaker before the sun even came up. This speaker... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2019 at In Their Words
Alumni from Far and Wide
200 years of tradition brought people from across the country back to Northfield this weekend. As a rook walking to and from classes took twice as long, there were ten times the people around you making everything seem harder and more stressful. When in reality this weekend there were people that have gone through the same things as we are currently. They want to have a conversation with you and see what is the same, what has changed, and all of the funny things that we remember during the time spent as a Rook. I was fortunate enough to spend a majority of Alumni week volunteering, or working for the Sullivan Museum and History Center. While participating in the homecoming activities I talked to some amazing people. 1. A gentleman that spent a large part of his career in the Army. Today he is retired and spends a lot of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2019 at In Their Words
2,977 Lives, One Horrific Day
September 11, 2001, a day that many people remember vividly. A day that many woke up to go to work, travel and spend doing their normal routine. The day that the lives of 2,977 ended and the day their family members will remember as the worst day of their life. 2,977 flags placed on the Lawn of Jackman Hall. An American flag for every life lost, a foreign flag for every country involved in the tragic event. The Political Science Club on campus has been planting flags for 11 years. This year I was fortunate enough to be apart of this tradition. Seeing Cadre and rooks alike lining up flags and planting them to remember the events of 9/11. Spending that time with people from across the country and world shows that we all care about what happened and hope to serve in remembrance. Sitting in a circle in the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2019 at In Their Words
Guiding Value Number Four
"Guiding value number four Patriotism and Service: We encourage service to Nation and others before self." Norwich has eight unique values that help lead the school to the place that it is today. One thing that stood out to me while looking into colleges is the emphasis on service that Norwich presented. I saw the opportunities to become involved and felt a sense of belonging from the start. In the spring of last year, I had the opportunity to apply for the Civic Scholars Program. The Civic Scholars Program consists of 15 people from every class here at Norwich. During the course of each person's four years at the school, they will complete 500 hours of service and several training sessions. After returning to campus today from the Civic Scholar Orientation weekend I find myself reflecting on how much service means to me. The "Rookie Knowledge" that we study daily... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2019 at In Their Words
Survived Rook Week: Rookie Picture Day is a Different Story
The class of 2023 is officially two weeks into the school year. We have survived Rook week as well as a week of academics. One thing that I experienced this week was Rookie Picture Day. Now, this is a process just like any other school picture experience. Reading this you are probably really curious about why I am writing about it. While I made it through, got my picture taken, met every time hack for the day prior to pictures, had plans to go volunteer at labor day festivities the day started off great. Now here is where the story gets interesting. Our platoon (19-1-1) was picking up our gear after we finished pictures and the clumsiest person around, (me) lifted her head at a very fast speed right into the AED box. While there are no major injuries with this experience I can say with confidence and a smile... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2019 at In Their Words
Classes Kick Off and Previous Scholars are Recognized
On the second day of classes at Norwich, a ceremony was held to recognize students for their amazing work in the spring semester of last year. The band played Norwich Forever, the cannon fired three shots, President Schnieder gave his remarks and Rooks were inspired. Attending convocation inspired me to become one of those outstanding scholars that set foot on the stage in Shapiro Feild House. I saw Corps of Cadets Students as well as civilians that worked hard in their academics and were recognized for those achievements. The faculty speaker, an environmental sciences professor, spoke of the things that a student should do to succeed. President Schnieder gave his remarks on his time at Norwich and showed a video clip to show students about the bicentennial saber and the reveal of that during Homecoming. Being the 200th year of Norwich University the History of the School is becoming increasingly... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2019 at In Their Words
Traditions Continue as Rook Week Ends
After a week in Northfield, I have found some of the greatest traditions to exist. I have seen hard times and I have experienced a sense of belonging and family. Rook week was hard on many of us. Some of the most simple things that we once did have been changed completely. From "Rookie Knowledge" to physical fitness there is a tradition in the many things that happen to an incoming Freshman in the Corps of Cadets. Yesterday as I finished running the Dog River with my Rook Brothers and Sisters I learned That all of the people around me are my best friends. Throughout the week we have all found a place where we belong. The rock I took from the Dog River is more than just a giant stone. It represents accomplishment, success, hard times, and a tradition that people across the country and across the world hold... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2019 at In Their Words
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