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Roger Singh
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@Arjuna "Be careful my friend in how you are reading what Osho has said. No one has the right to hit another. Trust me if they had done that to me. I may have gone looking for them outside the scared grounds..." I take it you would have had a stern word with them as 'no one has the right to hit another' ...
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@osho, As interesting as your story is, how do we know it is true? You were clearly motivated to break their rules by bringing in your phone and then recording? Was it just so you could write another post on this site? They told you that you were not allowed to come back again yet you did? You were seeking out confrontation, what was your true motivation? I'm a Sikh gentleman and in our temple it states you must respect the rules by covering your head, removing shoes etc etc, if someone was to break those rules then they too would be removed. I don't really see what your complaint is, you went to someone's house, disrespected them and they told you to leave. Life is fair. Kind regards, R. Singh
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Roger Singh is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 21, 2019