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Interests: Green energy
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Most of world understands kms per litre and kms perkwhr so better to use ths standards.
There is a crying need to reduce weight of EVs by using advance composite materials esp in US. You cant have heavy trucks like F 150 , when we need small compact light weight crash 5 raing cars.
Going at this rate , we will have to wait another 5 yrs for batteries to enter an actual ev. Why does the company not tell us about trial perfirmance in actual ev. Our faith will then be reenforced.
If this innovation could be commercialised on large scale., it will be great step for green energy.
It is not correct to say hot climate reduces battery life to one or two years. Hundreds of scooters are running in India after 5 years or more.
This is what auto world is waiting for. What is size of sodium battery, lithium battery and other technical details will be welcome.
What is conversion rate and cost of production? This can change the world wastes into alternate source of energy.
Whether it isAmerica, Europe , china orIndia. ,we need less consumrist life style. Circular sustainable economy. No huge SUVs, natural fertilixers , pesticides etc. America needs to learn fast as rest of world is catching up. All world cant just have consumerist life style.
Its pretty late for FLP batteries fir Japan, Japan has been too conservative on EV front and other hitec industries. They should go for safe sodium batteries for economical EVs.
If we can get chiep solid state sodium batteries, evs canbe chieper then petrol cars.
This will go long way in being chiepest safe energy storage and eventually for most economic evs being chiepest then ic cars.
Wonder if can cool interiors like an air condioner without using much electricity and compressor.
Every product manufactured in China is subsidised. It is meant to wipe out industry in other countries.western companies went on investing in china and developed that nation from sctrach. Today china is enemy of most nations and will further harm manufacturing across the world unless nations take courageous steps to down china.
This is also a totally Chinese import but thru a European campany. Such deals will wipe out Western auto companies thru highly subsidised chinese evs.Western auto compnies just cany produce simple, efficient evs and will not survive in long term.
Always wonder what is advantage of e power and how efficient it is in terms of kms per litre.
If this technology works practically and economically, it will help decarbonisation to large extent.
What unit is terrawatt hours of biomethane? Details about this plant?
What we need today is simplest of cars well engineered and plug in with 100 kms range and minus all unneccessary electronics and perhaps a sodium battery and then western companies can beat govt promoted chinese cars.
A hybrid car with about 100 kms electric range and cost at par with IC car and a quick charge sodium battery is the need of hour.
If capital cost is reasonable, this method could be used in sunny areas and hydrogen could be chieper then using costly electrolysers and huge amount of electricity.
A monster of a car , ev yet very inefficient and over powered and too costly. Cant they think of environment before such designs and 2.5 kms per kw efficiency?
Hybridisation seems the best way to save fuel for cars and trucks and battery power can be enhanced as batteries become more economic and powerful but fuel and pollution can be saved from day one.
Ultra conservative Japanese cos will never introduce such vehicles in huge market like India and hence they are being replaced by JSw MG and Tatas rapidly.
Indirect burning of biomass is a criminal waste. Why not go for alternative air fuels and avoid fights where electric trains are feasible and more green.
Best option for EU is retrofit cars to electrify them and govt can subsidise it. These can be done at fraction of new ev cost and pollution can come down at fast rate.