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Mikael Alatalo
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Interesting that they use figures of Co2 that are so easily checked. A lot of max Co2 with coal-fired plants and maximised Model 3. It results of course in high numbers for the ev.
After calculating with coal-based and a lot of yada yada of the marginal aspect they find the figure of 680 g / kWh beeing appropriate to use. Last check I did is that the German mix is around 450 g / kWh and sinking.
CESifo: EVs not the best option for reduction in on-road CO2 in Germany given power mix
According to a new study published by the ifo Institue Center for Economic Studies (CESifo) in Germany, EVs will barely help cut CO2 emissions in the country over the coming years, as the introduction of electric vehicles does not necessarily lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions from road traff...
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Apr 20, 2019
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