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Remembering Anselm Hollo
Jane Dalrymple-Hollo, Boulder, Colorado USA
I am looking for how you met Anselm and interesting anecdotes from when you knew him.
Interests: Dear Friends, Kai Ekholm, retired Chief Librarian at the National Library of Finland, is beginning work on a biography of Anselm (in Finnish) focusing on Anselm's life story and how his poetry and translations have influenced, and continue to influence Finnish literature. I am creating what I hope will be an interactive blog to gather memories, anecdotes, and adventures you shared with Anselm as a way to help Kai. But I have a strong feeling that the blog may turn out to be something quite special in and of itself, and I hope it will be participatory, interactive and enjoyable to all concerned. With Love & Gratitude, Jane Dalrymple-Hollo
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Dec 7, 2019
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