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Dr. Sal Restivo
Retired Professor of Sociology, Science Studies, and Information Technology
Interests: Sociology and anthropology of science, math, logic, religion & god, and the brain.
Recent Activity
I have been contributing articles and lectures on sociology and the brain since the early '90s. My most recent contributions are: Sociology, Science, and the End of Philosophy: How Society Shapes Brains, Gods, Maths, and Logics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017); and Einstein's Brain: Genius, Culture, and Social Networks (Palgrave Pivot, 2019). I am currently an editor for Frontiers and anyone interested in contributing to a Frontiers journal on the topic Sociology, Neuroscience, and the Social Brain should email me at [email protected] Send a 500 word abstract and a brief biosketch.
Dr. Sal Restivo is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2019