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Rory Kennealy
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Final metacognition
Dear Fitz, I have always loved English especially writing, and I didn’t think that this year would be any different, boy was I wrong. I came in at the start of the year not knowing what to expect. At this time I knew nothing about eighth grade, or about any... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
Rory Kennealy: The Last Dance
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Posted May 28, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
This really was a great all-around writing piece. you hooked the reader in at the start with the repetitiveness and parallel structure. The body paragraphs really engaged the reader. I have seen the same things when I walk in the woods. Whenever I see someone in the woods we have to just split the path and stay as far away as we can. It is a really sad thing and I hope it can get back to normal soon. Great writing Colin!
Solitary walk
My thoughts while I’m walking I remember when I could walk freely and hang out with people, I remember when I didn’t have to step six feet away from a person whenever I saw someone, I remember when I was free. But now due to these current situations, it really is hard to do things normally and l...
This was a great piece Ethan! The emotions that you put on the paper really added a lot to this piece. It also gave the piece a deeper meaning. I too have lost someone and going outside really helped me like you said in the piece. Great writing Ethan!
Solitary Walk
Alone "It's better to walk alone than with a crowd walking in the wrong direction." -Herman Siu Just because there are people around doesn't mean your not walking alone. You can be alone in any situation. Any. I have been alone in a full room many times in my life. Looking at familiar fa...
This was a great message Will. I really liked how you ended the second paragraph it was a really fun way to end a paragraph. I also really liked how you ended the story with that line that gives a great message to the reader and a great message for everyone. Great writing Will!
A Solitary Walk
Deepening Connections A Whole lot of Dogs “All is connected… no one thing can change by itself.” – Paul Hawken Dull houses, masks, and many dogs. Corona may have taken our freedom away from us, but we still get through it with adversity and dog walks. I walk through these street...
The opening paragraph of this piece was amazing. You really described the journey or walk you were on with your dog beautifully. You also engaged the reader well with the repetitiveness of the first paragraph it was a cool way of starting this story off. Great writing Max!
The House on the Hill
My (nearly) solitary walk in the woods “The question is not what you look at, but what you see” -Henry David Thoreau A walk in the woods. A walk in the woods with my dog. A walk in the woods with my dog and me. A nearly silent stream trickles along surrounded by large rocks. I j...
This was a really well-written piece Oliver. The parallel structure in the first and second paragraphs added a lot to this piece and elevated it. The things you wrote about were very descriptive and meaningful.
A Solitary Walk
A New Perspective on a Routine Run The poetry of earth is never dead ~John Keats In a society where our lives are spent on the internet and our eyes are glued to screens, we never really find time to embrace the opportunity that a leisurely stroll gives us. There are many th...
Nick this was a really great piece. You really dove deep into something that was simple, and something that we should all do which is to go outside and take in nature and all the surroundings. Great writing Nick!
A Walk in the Wilderness
The cleansing power of nature. The earth has music for those who listen. ~William Shakespeare If looking down on earth you would see chaos; people frantically searching for masks, families calling each other to make sure that they're safe and sheltering in place, parents watching t...
A Solitary Walk
Posted May 11, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
This story was really well-written. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I was interested the whole time great work Colin!
Substitute for power of chores
The Man in the Driveway I was in my room, laying in my bed and my heart was pounding. I felt my pulse bouncing beating like a drum. There was someone outside of my house. My blankets were pulled over my head in fear I had to get another look though, at this strange person in my driveway. “What...
I liked the way you ended this piece. It was pretty funny when you said I get why people wanted to eat tide pods. I agree with you they do look like candy. I also agree that chores essential and we should all do them.
The Power and Pain of Chores
Importance “Housework can kill you if done right.” -Erma Bombeck Chores are an essential asset in forming the correct mindset in today’s youth. The chores I have been given by my parents have helped shape my mindset and form me into a more responsible young adult. One specific c...
I really like the way you ended this writing piece. I totally agree with what you said at the end in which "Chores, in general, can be pretty mundane, but more times than not you can step back and look at the work you accomplished and feel a bit of pride. At the end of the day chores can turn into hobbies if you try hard enough."
My hate of gardening “There is nothing more fatal to character than half finished tasks” -David Lloyd George Chores are something most do. I wouldn’t call many things chores but more of just expectations. There’s one thing that is a chore for me, and that is doing the plant sale with ...
Great writing sean! I agree with your theme in that we can all do things to help people out and you wrote about that really well.
The Power of Chores Small things make a difference...
The Power of Chores Small things make a difference “Small things add up fast, get rid of them while you can” - Sean Leahy Chores help everyone. I help by just doing a small chore. Every Saturday morning I am tasked with the small jobs of dusting the house and sweeping the floor. Doing ...
I totally agree with this theme. Every time I try to avoid chores my mom just gives me more. I feel that it is better just to get it done than avoid it, Great writing Jamie!
The Power of Chores
The Power of Chores How my laziness in one moment lead to many chores later on. “Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy.” ― Tchaikovsky Do not avoid one wave of chores, because you can expect even more chores later on. I learned this lesson the hard way ma...
This was a great piece Nick, I wholeheartedly agree with your theme. I also really like the way you ended this piece it was simple and to the point and a great way to end a really well-written story.
The Power and Pain of Chores
The underlying purpose of an inane task. Do or do not. There is no try. ~Yoda Almost everyone has found themselves doing chores at least once in their life. I began with these seemingly time-sucking and brain-numbing activities as soon as I was able bodied enough, essentially just onc...
The Power of Chores
Posted May 3, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
NBA Awards
Posted May 1, 2020 at The Rory Report
The Power of I
Posted May 1, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
Writing piece 2
Posted Apr 27, 2020 at 2021 Kennealy, Rory
Great poem Eli! This is a very good point that we should make the most of the time that we have right now. The metaphors you used were really amazing. Great writing!
Time is a powerful being with all in its grasp It takes what it wants It shows you how small you are compared to it It may make you, It may ruin you. It whips you and beats you down until you are nothing but a husk of a person, but you can't let it. Take that beating each day, and work it towar...
It is always best to tell people how you feel, and you showed that in this piece. this was also really well-written. I liked the descriptive language you used at the start describing the wind. great writing Colin!
My favorite journal entry
To experience nature truly. You need to be excluded, alone, and peaceful. My fists clenched like I gripping bike handles. I was in a meadow, a one on a hill, in the middle of no where. The breeze was perfect, enough to cool me off, but not enough to disturb the harmony in the air. I just came of...
This was a great writing piece. It really makes think about all the times I had at Fenn. the good the bad the sad all of them. It also really makes me think about how much I am going to miss Fenn next year.
The last of Fenn “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -A.A. Milne I am still unable to comprehend the fact that we are truly never going to have another real day of school at Fenn for the rest of our lives. (At least for those of us who are leaving t...
this was a great haiku. It was simple and I really liked it. It is really relatable to the times that we are in now and you represented that well. Great writing!
The same faces The same house Changing world
great writing Nick! you really described this story well. you also made it sound really good, and made me think about reading the book.
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
A review of a children's classic If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from when you go to sleep at night, just look around. This is where they are made. ~Brian Selznick The Invention of Hugo Cabret, written by Brian Selznick and first published in 1991, is a fun and invigo...
this is a really cool story to read. I liked the journey you took. fIrst the one assignement you did and then the advice from you teacher and then trying to figure out if others think you're good. this was fun to read about.
Don't Do It
What Writing Does... Do one thing every day that scares you. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt I was eighteen and designing a production line for making stepladders at Fitchburgh State College—the only college I could afford, and probably the only place that would have me. I remember thinking, ‘Man, t...
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