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Rhonda Brewer
Recent Activity
I love this poem. It shows us that there are positives that come from the most seemingly negative situations. I started off well, but as the days progress, the loneliness is becoming a problem. Makes me realize how easy it is to fall into depression. New awareness!
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Wow. It is so crazy how our lives changed so quickly. I wonder how many alternative procedures will remain post-pandemic?
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Tim and I moved fourteen times in his career. Each time when friends asked me how I could do it, I responded that I was taking my best friends with me-Tim and the kids! Now that I am on my own, I am still taking my best friends with me wherever I go-God and myself!
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I love the idea of "get to" as opposed to "have to." This minute difference impacts so may areas of our lives. Any time we change the message from "I have to.." to "I get to..." the results are amazing. I am so happy to "get to" spend Wednesday nights with you!
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I love the "buffet of stories" analogy. I too love arriving at the table each week looking forward to the inventive, delicious, and very satisfying dishes I know will be served.
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I have so enjoyed your TestiStories! And I thank you for giving me the confidence to tell a few of my own.
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When my husband and I bought our catamaran in preparation for our sailing retirement adventures, we chose to name her SVQ4 representing the fourth quarter of our lives in which we would allow ourselves to live for us-not parents, children or grandchildren. The adventure was cut short, but I will always treasure the four months we spent living for us. I am sure you will too!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2019 on Giasera by Angela Perrone at Tell Me Something Good
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So well said. I found that in my classroom with my students listening often turned into seeking to understand. It is so important to take the time and energy to totally focus on someone's story so that you are not only listening but understanding too!
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We are two peas in a pod (pardon the vegetable reference). I also had to recently learn to live in a new normal world. And like you, storytelling has become not only a positive experience, but in some ways these classes have become a lifeline for me. I am so glad to share the experience with you.
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David, I think everyone has a story about their first car. Your story brought back memories of mine-1964 Mustang Convertible my Dad bought me for my 16th birthday in 1974. Thank you, Rhonda
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As with people, we need to be open to the stories put in our path. You never know the lesson we may be able to learn or teach by sharing our stories.
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As a retired teacher, I would be so thankful to have a student contact me years later to tell me I made a real difference in their life. Please consider trying to find him.
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Marion, I am so glad to be in this class with you. We have created a safe community in which we can all practice and hopefully perfect our storytelling skills.
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Oct 2, 2019