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Retired, Seamstress, Mimi
Interests: Sewing, embroidery, patio plants
Recent Activity
I think my word of the year will be "Sew". No matter how bad things get, if I can "sew", then I'm happy. I didn't get to sew as much last year because of health issues, but I'm hopeful this year will be much different.
I love charm packs, and use a lot for applique designs. It save me buying yardage that I won't use as much.
I love charm packs! I've used some for I Spy quilts, and a lot for machine appliques. I have been saving some to piece a quilt.
My favorite ruler is my 6 1/2 x 24" by Creative Grids. Plus I can use my suction handle to hold it in place keeping my hand from hurting.
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2020 on Watch my Fireside Chat & enter! at Pat Sloan's Blog
I would like to learn how to use some of those quilting rulers like the pineapple block. I love the way you teach things because you make it look easier and explain things better than some do. I am saving to get me a Gemini cutter. I didn't know about them until I saw your video.
I love the Wish Pillow! It's so different!
1 reply
I've always loved to sew! My delight has been making outfits for my grandkids and especially my granddaughter who's now age 12. She quit wearing Mimi mades about 4 years ago. Now I have a precious 2 year old great-granddaughter that I like to sew cute things for her to wear. I also love machine embroidery, and I do a lot of shirts, burps, and towels. When spring arrives, we plant patio plants, and they have thrived this year! I love sitting out there and watching everything grow!
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Jun 19, 2019