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There were many things incorrect in this post, so I will only outline a few. First off, contrast to your statement that measles is of little risk to children, there was a reported 110,000 deaths across the world, mainly in children under the age of 5. Secondly, the MMR vaccine has prevented 21.1 million deaths from 2000-2017. Before the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1963, there was a reported 2.6 million deaths every year. While yes, there are some associated risks with taking any vaccine, the reward always outweighs the risk. Every year, many children are contracting diseases that are preventable, all because their parents are choosing to not give them any vaccinations. So please, for the sake of many people world wide who cannot get vaccines because they are either immunocompromised or are allergic to them, research the topic from both sides, instead of only looking from one point of view.
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Nov 4, 2019