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Sam B.
Recent Activity
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! A visit from your graphic design class would be wonderful, we are hoping we will be able to welcome you in the fall too! If you'd like to reach out at that time to set something up, please email us at [email protected]
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Glad you enjoyed it, we hope to see you soon!
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Why thank you, Rahim :D
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Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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Toronto Public Library’s Special Collections are home to some of the most dynamic and well-made proponents of print and book culture. If you have an interest in design, typography, or history, chances are something in the Private Press and Fine Printing Collection will capture your curiosity. Wood type in a... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2021 at Arts & Culture
Buy Nothing Day falls on Friday, November 29 this year and is a good excuse to take a step back and consider how we spend our time and money. Started by Canadian artist Ted Dave in 1992, it was a movement that was meant to critique the mindless over-consumption that... Continue reading
Thanks Jennifer! Excited to look into your recommendation :)
1 reply
Hi D! Herstory was supposed to be a pun on the word history (as per the last book title in the selection). Hope that helps clear things up! Thanks - Sam
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On a trip to Amsterdam a few years ago I had the special privilege of visiting the Anne Frank House. As you move through the Annex (the space where Anne stayed in hiding with her family during the rise of Hitler) you can feel the heaviness of what happened there.... Continue reading
Halloween is this Thursday so you might be looking for some books to share with the children in your life to get them excited. These picture books will provide just the right amount of silly and creepy fun. Kids will enjoy the colourful illustrations, funny story lines and scary (but... Continue reading
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Oct 28, 2019