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While I agree with much said here about the Founders, it is worth noting that the United States evolved out of a Constitutional Monarchy formed over centuries. The Founders then incorporated large chunks of the British Constitution into our own. We did not overthrow a dictatorship.
At no point were the colonies in America, whether deemed British or American, not Constitutional. Taxation without representation is a Constitutional complaint.
Even with thoroughly ingrained Constitutional institutions, formed over centuries, the Founders moved from a system of separation of power between the parliament and an unelected ruler to a situation involving national elections of a President with great caution and trepidation.
Wilsonian democracy promoters would do well to remember that.
The Constitution And Our Founding Fathers — A Discussion
The conversation that follows took place online at JustOneMinute beginning on the afternoon of December 15, 2019. The only editing that I've done was to select only comments that were on the topic of our Founding and our Founding Fathers, and in a very small number of comments I've excluded ref...
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Jan 4, 2020
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