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Finders keepers, losers weepers. Appears you have the keys to the kitchen, Clarice.
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2023 on TOm, have you abandoned this site? at JustOneMinute
All NJ Transit rail service to end early for the day due to union dispute Juneteenth Replace them with Central Americanos. They don’t have a special holiday.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2022 on Sunday Afternoon at JustOneMinute
Ban Evasion isn’t even a misdemeanor. I think that Marjorie Taylor Greene should take my advice and start an alt account on Twitter. But why does she use three names like she’s a serial killer? She learned it from some guy named Pin And Puller:)
New movie out called “The Northman”. It’s about Vikings. The left is griping there are no blacks or Asians in it. And it is all about real white supremacists, not modern wannabes:)
Toggle Commented Apr 24, 2022 on Vaccine Panic At The Times at JustOneMinute
Does the Biden Center have a memory care wing?
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2022 on Meanwhile, Back In Michigan... at JustOneMinute
Politicians have perfected the art of taking bribes legally and in plain sight: Book deals Art sales Speaking fees Consultancy fees Not to mention simply “running” for office. Just how much scrutiny do their “expenditures” get??
Toggle Commented Apr 8, 2022 on Durham Chugging Along at JustOneMinute
doesn't everyone 2 mistakes. They didn’t take a customer, and they didn’t close a deal. Would have been considered cost of doing business.
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2022 on Say It Ain't So, Joe! at JustOneMinute
I have an odd recurring thought..Remember when you read the origins of wwI and thought what a stupid combination of idiots and idiocies? well.... How does that saying go? History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure rhymes a lot.
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2022 on Mother's Day Gifts Arriving Early at JustOneMinute
StormyDaniels owes former President Donald Trump $300,000 after a federal appeals court rejected the porn star's effort to overturn a lower court's ruling in her failed defamation lawsuit. Not enough hours left in her lifetime to “earn” that $300K. Maybe the media will take up a collection on her behalf.
Toggle Commented Mar 22, 2022 on Back In Ukraine at JustOneMinute
How long until this thread times out? Asleep at the wheel TM.
Toggle Commented Mar 20, 2022 on Sunday Afternoon at JustOneMinute
You would think that someone with the surname Maguire would have a special St. Patrick’s day thread. It’ s not Sunday anymore Tom.
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2022 on Sunday Afternoon at JustOneMinute
Enjoy your vacation Gentlejim.
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2022 on Sunday Afternoon at JustOneMinute
When gas is going up, you always want to top it off daily or every other day. It's like dollar cost averaging for buying stocks. Unless you live 10 miles round trip to the nearest gas station, and have no other reason to venture out. Yes, my life is boring at times:)
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2022 on Doomsday Watch Open Thread at JustOneMinute
Jimmy Carter 2.0
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2022 on Doomsday Watch Open Thread at JustOneMinute
Every chance Kamala gets, she reminds us just how screwed we are if (when) SleepyJoe drops dead.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2022 on Doomsday Watch Open Thread at JustOneMinute
What's really going on is Russians are being forced to pay almost $1.40 per gallon for gas today. When you produce all that you need……
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2022 on Doomsday Watch Open Thread at JustOneMinute
They would talk to Trump:)
Toggle Commented Mar 8, 2022 on Doomsday Watch Open Thread at JustOneMinute Good news is our hand-held arms work very well. Bad news is DEI military won’t have the stones required to use them. Maybe we can contract Ukrainian civilians to do any future fighting for us.
Happy Birthday Jane!
Poor Putin. He’s gonna have to sell his oil to countries that are more shady than “the West”.
Biggest data revision set I've ever seen for Productivity and Unit Labor Costs. 31 yrs of data? Pfft. But, but, but China, Russia, and many others are more corrupt than the US.
Speaking of Bret Fucking Bair. Saw him last night for about 30 seconds on the news flipping channels. First time in years. Fat SOB.
Ukrainians are taping looters all around the country to lamp posts and telephone poles using rope and tape. Coming to a city near you? Sounds good to me.
Not gonna build BMWs with windmills.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2022 on Life During Wartime at JustOneMinute
MM2. I do. Mind you, when I was in high school, I don't remember us having video. We did have a TV on a trolley like the one in the picture. I watched the moon landing on one in Perth. Isn't it amazing how far we have developed. We had all those things in school. Also had CCTV for Spanish language class in 4th, 5th & 6th grades (circa 1963). Pretty modern for public schools in a sleepy town of 50,000 people. The Spanish was taught by the AA gal who also happened to be my 6th grade teacher. She was the best I ever had.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2022 on Life During Wartime at JustOneMinute