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Justin Roush
Recent Activity
You just have to take some time to get to know Congestion Pricing
New York City will implement its first congestion charge program by the end of 2023... perhaps. The charge was passed in 2019 but has faced delays until present. Unsurprisingly, New Yorkers don't love it... but it will grow on them (if you'll forgive my out of sample prediction). The figure... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2023 at Environmental Economics
Happy Birthday, John! Think I'll raise a Taft's Cold Boy lager to you tonight (gotta keep the ABV down for grading...).
Thursday Beer Post: Env-Econer Turns 60!
Happy 60th Birthday to Env-Econ co-founder John. Let's all raise a cold one to the brains behind this operation (before he forgets who we are).
Episodic Release in Ohio: Train Derailment Forces Controlled Burn of Toxic Chemicals
From NPR on February 8th (Residents can return home after crews burned chemicals in derailed tanker cars): "About 50 cars, including 10 carrying hazardous materials, derailed in a fiery crash Friday night on the edge of East Palestine. Federal investigators say a mechanical issue with a rail car axle caused... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2023 at Environmental Economics
The (horrible) gift of government shutdowns?
The US government did not shut down in FY 2023. That is immensely unremarkable... But, I had a social media memory pop up about the most recent shutdown in the US, so I'm going to write about them. It was the longest shutdown in US history: 35 days (December 22nd... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2023 at Environmental Economics
As a decently recent transplant, I don't know if it's "Ohio doesn't want US" or the opposite. Is it the chili?
The End of a Free Ride
Two economists walk into an AERE happy hour in New Orleans. One says, “Hey, are you and Economist 3 done providing that awesome public good?” Two says, “Ya know, we’ve been thinking about providing it again!” One says, “DO IT! It’s so useful to the world! I love free riding!” Two sips beer. One ...
The End of a Free Ride
Two economists walk into an AERE happy hour in New Orleans. One says, “Hey, are you and Economist 3 done providing that awesome public good?” Two says, “Ya know, we’ve been thinking about providing it again!” One says, “DO IT! It’s so useful to the world! I love free riding!” Two sips beer. One ...
Where's my carbon dividend check!? Semi-coherent thoughts on the Inflation Reduction Act
While teaching emissions control policies this last week to my undergraduates, I revisited my signature of the Economists’ Statement on Carbon Dividends (now signed by over 3600 economists). It’s been four years since the origin of the statement, and despite it being the most agreed-upon policy statement in the history... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2023 at Environmental Economics
The End of a Free Ride
Two economists walk into an AERE happy hour in New Orleans. One says, “Hey, are you and Economist 3 done providing that awesome public good?” Two says, “Ya know, we’ve been thinking about providing it again!” One says, “DO IT! It’s so useful to the world! I love free riding!”... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2023 at Environmental Economics
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Jan 19, 2023
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