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79 Spartan
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I was very surprised about Skins/KC pick. Reading the Denver Post over the weekend, Elway got the guy he wanted, Osweiler from Arizona State! (I didn't get that one.) So he didn't want Cousins, I guess - not tall enough or whatever. I agree with Peter King - the 49s had the best draft.
Toggle Commented May 2, 2012 on Draft review: Kirk Cousins at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
A lot of rustiness needs to get cleaned off of the offense, especially the QB/WOs connecting. Looking at the replay of the B1G Championship game and the Wiscy/MSU game earlier, I was even more impressed by our fantastic timing on the pass routes last year. We were really freakin' good. 2012 will be a ride for sure, but to me, I think 2013 season might be the one we have a really good chance w/ Max as a 5th yr senior and all, 'cept we may lode Will the Thrill early, but we have guys reay to step right in. Nice to have a paper curtain for a short time. (30 days or so.)
Thanks for letting us ride with you for last several years, Joe. It was a sweet, sweet ride, too - Spartan athletics have been/are in a really good place and you've been on your game, too. Thanks to all the usual suspects. S'been a hoot. Kinda like it was our water cooler at times, for me. I'm sure I speak for all the out of state folks when I say, the Hey Joe! BLOG experience made me feel like I was still a close part of the MSU zeitgiest. Hey Joe! Hope to see you on the other side, someday. Hopefully sooner rather than later. -G-
Toggle Commented May 1, 2012 on Draft review: Jerel Worthy at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
There are some really good Spartans still out there - don't forget K-Mart, either.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2012 on Burbridge update, Duffy recap at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
My Eggplant Parmigiana isn't too different than Frances' veal, 'cept I add parmigiana cheese on top of the eggplant and then the sauce and then mozzarella cheese on the very top. Hey, I think I know what I want for dinner tonight. Thanks, Joe.
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2012 on Big night at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Catch it ! Who ever gets the end nub of the bat. Duh !
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2012 on MSU spring game draft at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"this idiot put Drew Stanton in on Punt Return Defense which cost us considerably for years to come.." Damn ! Thanks for remembering as I tried to forget that, too.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2012 on Memories... at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Don't forget, JLS wanted to get rid of the Block S... That really chapped me. I'm not into "colorful personalities" for head coaches, either, so there was nothing he did "antic-wise" that I found endearing. Like the Simon and Garfunkel tune about Frank Lloyd Wright, when he was fired, Good-bye, John L. Smith I can't believe you lasted this long Seems that you should already have been gone Been gone, been gone I won't remember John L. Smith The close games away he threw Just made me all the more blue So blue, So blue Head coaches may come Head coaches may go and Never change your point of view He wasn't easy to forget So give John L. Smith his due Good-bye John L. Smith With you we were never really in the race You were just a stupid slap to our face A slap to our face our face.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2012 on Memories... at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
I like the fact that Dantonio doesn't talk in coach-speak very often, especially to the Blue-Wall press in the D. Coach D also likes to talk in code and those Blue-Wall pin-stews don't have an MSU decoder ring like us. I also like that Coach D stumbles over some words or phrases in pressers and interviews. He seems more genuine just being himself. If he were smooth and polished, he would come across as rehearsed, fake or not as sincere in his responses.
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on Three-man party at DT at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Regarding Dantonio: I understood him to reply in a rhetorical way - in response to the UofM is this and that nonsense - are the Spartans not the bigger threat to beat your (__fill-in-the-blank-name-of-team__) ?
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on Three-man party at DT at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Check your comcast email...
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on Three-man party at DT at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Dantonio: "We've beat Michigan the last four years. So where's the threat?" Luv it !!!
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on Three-man party at DT at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Dood, you have my email addy. I'm confused.
Did you see Maxwell go down, Joe?
Thanks for sharing that. Special. I'll miss this stuff.
Gosh, I mut have just read more into your quote, "Maxwell hurt himself while backpedaling and trying to get away from the pass rush..." My bad.
What??? I thought it was a NO hit the QB scrimmage time? WT-F Over
Broncos confirm the visit... no sighting to verify - yet.
As much as I try to not read the Freep, I might be checking in with them more often after May 1 and this place goes away.
Didn't hear about that... will check into it
Luv it... welcome and see you soon, Sean Jones.
Don't forget that Capt. Kirk will be featured on Gruden's QB Camp at 3pm MTN, ESPeeeNU today.
Toggle Commented Apr 16, 2012 on MSU hoops-related news at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
I've said it before and I'll say it again; TWITTER should not be used as if you are all hanging out at the bar shooting the breeze and giving each other your opinion about something, in this case how amped up Izzo was regarding the press - Jamile, I'm looking at you. There is absolutely nothing to gain by putting your opinion about Izzo's rant on TWITTER. It makes you look small and... well frankly, like a TWIT. **************** HEY JOE! Speaking of context, sometimes one can deflect potential anger from the respondent by placing some context in the question as in: "Tom, the car issue has gone viral, partly because - inexplicably - the police report was in error about the model year. Would you or Derrick be kind enough to comment on it now?" Might have still gotten both barrels from him, but at least you could evenually come back to him later and say, "Hey, I was trying to help you to clear the air on that; I didn't want to come across accusatorially, but still wanted to do my job.
Toggle Commented Apr 13, 2012 on Putting Nix to bed at LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
Hope Langford gets some PT this year. Thanks for the updates, Joe.