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Robin Ott
Recent Activity
Masterful Art & Food at The Cleveland Museum of Art
The Cleveland Museum of Art was one of my favorite places growing up. It has always been a place of quiet escape and beauty. It’s been years since I’ve visited as an adult and I’ve been anxious to see the new renovations that debuted last fall. I was not disappointed. At a total cost of $350 million, it is the largest cultural project in the history of the state of Ohio and one of the most comprehensive renovation and expansion projects in the museum field in the nation. The new architecture of the re-designed 39,000-square-foot atrium and ceilings is stunning.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2013 at DiscoveringOhio
The Art of Living Beautifully at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens
The calendar shows it's still summer for a few more days, so make the most of it with a trip to Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens. Any time of year is a beautiful time to visit, but I'm especially awe-inspired by the beauty of this magnificent estate as we transition to fall. The manor house is striking against the crisp, blue sky and signs of autumn are trickling in throughout the gardens. Stan Hywet is the former home to the co-founder of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, F.A. Seiberling and his wife Gertrude. This year, Stan Hywet focuses on the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2012 at DiscoveringOhio
The Greater Cleveland Aquarium at the Powerhouse
This past weekend, our family, plus a few friends, had the chance to visit the newly opened Greater Cleveland Aquarium located in the Powerhouse on the West Bank of the Flats. There is obviously a need for this type of entertainment and educational venue in Northeast Ohio, as the aquarium saw 64,000 visitors within the first month of opening. With expectations of 400,000 to 500,000 people in the first year, I think it is well on its way. I’ve been to the Powerhouse before, but those who haven’t are pleasantly surprised by its architecture and how the aquarium is integrated... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2012 at DiscoveringOhio
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