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Aaron V Picard
3186 Pearcy Avenue Wawaka IN Indiana 46794 US
I'm Aaron V Picard, 36 from Philadelphia. I'm a writer, coffee dinking, book putting away, chap who warmth plan moreover is an animal mate. I'm starting now masterminding an abroad escape to the UK… a trek that has been way to deal with long in the orchestrating.
Interests: Why did I make this space site? In the first place this web diary is to spread the viewpoints and suppositions of people I meet in the midst of my UK voyages… and God ready, later on to other European urban zones I envision passing by. I'm a minding and real person who acknowledges and values others. I have an unprecedented reverence always, travel and nature
Recent Activity
Aaron V Picard is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 23, 2015