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Tinu Abayomi-Paul
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This is a wonderful post, Tara. I'm inclined to believe that there truly is no such thing as multitasking. I believe we can only give true focus to one task at a time. Now can we do two less important things at once? Kind of. We can watch television and fill out forms that don't require a lot of thought. But that's still not multitasking, it's switching very rapidly between two tasks. Instead, it may be a better idea to learn to do things more efficiently - for example, if you want to read more, learn to speed read. If you want to write more in less time, learn to touch type or get some voice recognition software. There's another study of younger people who are growing up with this technology that I read, can't remember where, that claimed that on younger minds, all this bombardment is actually being adapted by their brains and affecting the way they're put together. Wish I could remember where that study is now. An effect of my attempt to multitask, I'm sure...
Lots of great insights. Perhaps one solution is more education about what social media can and can't do, as well as what companies just delving in should expect as far as results.
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