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Honestly it's somewhere in my post history I don't even feel like looking for it. Anyway, I'm his other multiples will come on here to deflect his obvious lies, but the link is right there for all to see.
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Folks can believe whatever story they want. Click the link and peep it for yourselves. By BIGUP2BK on November 28, 2006 2:40 PM I'm 32 and have been online since 1991. I have used it at least once a day since then. The internet is the great medium that will eventually connect us all!!! The "by" is clear, the date is clear, and the post is clear.
1 reply
Man who even knows anymore. But the link is right there. Obvious as day. You can even control F the number 32 and that drugs4u dude clearly posts IN REPLY TO BigUp. Folks will see what they wanna see though. I guess if he said I had a nice body or some shit like that I'd wanna believe he wasn't really like 60 too. I figure his other accounts will come to defend him any second now though.
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You're right. This was too funny though. Good game.
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I mean, I'm not sure how it could get any clearer than: By BIGUP2BK on November 28, 2006 2:40 PM I'm 32 and have been online since 1991. I have used it at least once a day since then. The internet is the great medium that will eventually connect us all!!! The "by BigUp" part is clear. The date is clear. The post is clear. I don't see an "in reply to" and I don't see another name. I see dude's post. Link is right there, look for yourselves.
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"By BIGUP2BK on November 28, 2006 2:40 PM I'm 32 and have been online since 1991. I have used it at least once a day since then. The internet is the great medium that will eventually connect us all!!!" But sure, whatever you say.
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We were, but then he started taking his little cheap shots. And then somehow I want from a "leader" and "intelligent" to a "mental midget" and a "runaway". Same thing happened with Sin. Sin used to be a good dude, but then he quesitoned bigup's backstory and became a bad person. It's kind of like what you warned me about with Cam back in the day, except with a retarded wannabe professor. So he took little shots at me, changed his name to insult me, and ended up being exposed. I mean it's obvious he's a liar cuz the links are right there. Notice he doesn't deny the ass and tittes post up top, but says this one was edited. smh. Anyway, he's probably done under that account, but he prolly has 20 more on this site.
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You don't even have to respond to this dude anymore. He likely won't be back with this character again.
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With BigUp officially exposed below as being a fat, lying idiot, I think his whole Phrozenone is SC theory is officially out the window.
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Man that's crazy. Literally exposed for the world to see. With proof. And now he says "I gotta run." This fool was here all day yesterday but now he's gotta run. You know, he needs to check his notes to see if he really fucked up his storyline that bad.
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Of course it was. None of the other posts have been edited, but this one was. Sure I'm just glad we could post it here so that eveyone could see it. Time to go play in your padded room, psycho.
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You have to run? You weigh 400 pounds you probably can't even walk anymore. You were exposed. The funny thing is, if you add mine and Sin's ages together it prolly doesn't equal your real age. You got handled by "a mental midget" and "a guy trying to climb the sohh social hierarchy" Fuck outta here loser.
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Peep the posts at the bottom. Fat Albert has officially been exposed. You were right, Jose Conseco.
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Time to retire the fake account and leave. You're officially done. That's two straight days where I've literally owned you. Sonned. Exposed. Sonned. Exposed. And the cycle continues 40 year old virgin. Who will your next account be is all I want to know.
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I wish we were on facebook right now so that I could like your post. lmao.
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Sure. The rational explanation, like jc said yesterday, is he's a highly intelligent 40 year old average guy whose lonely and needs an elaborate fictional life. Which was all good until he started going at people that weren't dumber than him. All good though. Peace.
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lmao. So that's sonned and exposed two days in a row now.
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There's a reply right there. By drugsforyou. And he has other posts on the page Control f "bigup2bk".
1 reply Google search the stans' post. Control F the word internet. Bright as day. And the nutty professor is officially outta here.
1 reply Control F the word internet
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I just googled the stan's post. Found the article. Then I did a control find for the word internet. Look what comes up: By DRUGSFORU on November 28, 2006 2:18 PM Do you think being 30 years old is to old to be on this forum. I think this forum is designed for people who age ranges from 15 to 26.... What do you think? Posted by: BIGUP2BK at November 28, 2006 01:50 PM I'm 32 and have been online since 1991. I have used it at least once a day since then. The internet is the great medium that will eventually connect us all!!! Exposed you lame ass precious look-alike. Go away.
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Are you still talking that nonesense? Again, up top you confirmed that you did make the ass, legs, whatever post that the stan posted. But the one with your age is edited. smh. You have a new backstory every time the sun comes up.
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lmaoooo. Wow stan, you completely ethered his entire backstory with one post. Well done.
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lmaoooooooooooooo. I don't usually respond to stans. But wow. EXPOSED x a million.
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