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I adore you and everything you write. Can't wait to see more of you on Eureka. And I'm dying for season 5 of The Guild. Keep doing what you do - it works! :)
on the learning of lines and the telling of the story
Scene 15 is a little over three pages of intense dialog, some important character beats, and a fair amount of technobabble. We were supposed to shoot it tomorrow, but it was moved to this afternoon, so my plan to learn it tonight was pushed up by almost 24 hours. People always want to know how a...
Limited edition Wesley Crusher hair-cloaking device, buy now and get a free SMURF!
merry smurfin' smurfmas, mothersmurfers
This is crying out for a caption. I'll choose my favorite, and send something neat* to whoever writes it. Submissions open throughout the weekend, one per person, and can only be left as comments here (it's too difficult to track on Twitter or via e-mail). *definition of 'neat' will be at my s...
Abourland is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 3, 2010
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