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Abramelin Asp
Recent Activity
CT said...
"...comfort from the knowledge that the people out here who hold you in esteem are also holding you and yours in their thoughts."
I think we all feel this way.
Drawing a (dotted) line
Until the Great Writ of habeas corpus runs again in the land that conceived it; until the presumption of innocence applies once more and "suspect" means only what the dictionary says; until the right of silence applies again, I cannot promise not to write here. But a line has to be drawn, at lea...
Abramelin Asp is now following Tom
Mar 7, 2010
Always good to hear it, when an overworked friend, gets time for himself.
PS We all miss you in SL.
A few days' rest
It's been a fun, but tough, year so far. Just as the Asian working day comes to an end, the one in Europe begins and I have duties on both continents. I am taking a week's holiday in England to catch up on my rest before heading off to the South of France on a business-building mission. All I ha...
Abramelin Asp is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 7, 2010
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