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Upstate New York
Audrey, a wife and mother to four; lives in upstate New York, and is a writer, and photographer, former on-air talent for Clear Channel Broadcasting and voice-over artist. She writes from the heart about life in a British-American family and the often times hilarious and sometimes poignant and heartbreaking story behind their lives.
Interests: women's issues, writing, photography, family, the ocean, becoming healthy
Recent Activity
Luxury Residences?
Well, at least I bet the neighbors are quiet. Very quiet. I was driving around, aimlessly . . . well OK, I was absolutely freaking lost and didn't have the GPS in the car and Siri was being no help whatsoever in trying to help get me somewhere familiar looking. So I'm driving down the road and I happen to notice this oddly placed sign for "luxury residences." Naturally I did a double-take because of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2013 at Barking Mad
DIY Skin Tag Removal . . . or Not
image credit I just discovered an awesome new way to get rid of those pesky skin tags around my neck. I'm now going to share this little technique with you, so you too can experience freedom from those annoying hanger-on'ers, because I’m generous like that. Remember, this method is only useful for skin tags on the neck. If you’ve got them elsewhere on your body, you’re on your own! ********** Get in your car, (make... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2013 at Barking Mad
Finding Heart When Everything Seems So Disheartening
Mickey getting lots of love from new mom, Alison, and on her way to her forever home. Somewhere in Moore, Oklahoma a wet, lonely, dirty, possibly even injured dog roams the streets of a neighborhood that no longer looks like the home he once knew. He smells home but when he puts paw to ground where home once stood, there's nothing left but so much wood pulverized to sticks. The dog is shaky, scared and... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2013 at Barking Mad
Wordless Wednesday: Only in Maine . . .
...can you have your lobster and actually see it, too! That's right, that is in fact, a lobster pound and optician. Oh the hell with the "wordless" part. Yeah like you really thought that was ever going to happen. We just came back from spending 5 days in Maine, tying up some loose ends and perhaps creating some new ties, and in the midst of trying to find one of the local IPAs, we got... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2013 at Barking Mad
I know that a lot of people complain that Gary Taubes book and his article on sugar are far too clinical and hard to digest. I find just the opposite - especially his inclusion of several international studies and cases through the last 50+ years. I have two copies of Taubes' book, one of which I lend out regularly.
As far as the sugar article, I'm assuming you mean the one in the NY Times? While I think using the words "toxic" or "poison" to describe it is pretty loaded - it makes for sensationalistic reading, I think it has merit. We've taken sugar and perverted it every way possible, and dumped it into everything possible - so it's no wonder that we're discovering all sorts of related diseases and conditions where there is a direct correlation to it's overuse.
I think it's a discussion that needs to happen, but the scientists who have looked into Lustig's claims about sugar being as bad as crack, have a point - there's insufficient evidence to make a complete conviction. And when we have big dairy lobbying the FDA to add aspertame to our milk supply (to make is sweeter so kids will drink it, WTF?), we are seemingly a long long way from having this discussion. It's pretty provocative to slap the skull and crossbones on a bag of C&H sugar and call it poison, but that doesn't address what the real problem is - it is NOT the singular use of sugar but rather the OVERUSE of sugar that is the problem.
Hell, the scientist in, I believe it was Switzerland, I think his name was Tappy, but I could be wrong (especially if it's NOT the NYT article) fed his test subjects the equivalent of something like 10 cans of pop a day. That's extreme by anyone's standards! So it's no wonder that the subjects showed a significant spike in triglycerides and their livers were fatty and they developed insulin resistance.
While I'm not defending sugar, at the end of the day, all the evidence is still inconclusive. Lots of sugar is bad. We all know that, or we should know that. Americans, and most of the world, consume too much sugar. But it's cheap. It's plentiful. However damning it as a whole and trying to slap something like a controlled substance label on it, isn't the answer. Maybe putting warning labels on things like pop and other sugary substances - the same kind of labels we see on cigarettes, isn't an entirely bad idea. And again, the impoverished in our nation are going to grab a .99 load of white bread at the store, that's often loaded with HFCS (sugar. It's all just sugar), before they grab a loaf of whole grain bread that is all natural, (even if it's not organic) and contains no HFCS or other sweetners, that costs $3.99. These same people don't understand (lack of education I suppose - or lack of being able to get the kind of food education) that even on limited means, they could be eating different kinds of beans, quinoa, and other inexpensive beans, legumes, and less expensive although still healthy, veggies and fruits. It's not ideal by anyone's standards, but it's better than a diet consisting primarily of highly refined and processed starches and sugars.
The point I was making about the people who can't afford to eat exclusively clean and organic, grass fed, free range, those who live in "food deserts" etc - was that until we address it as a country, unfortunately for them, processed, refined starches, sugars and grains are going to be more affordable. For our family, this is not an issue. Despite not being able to consume a lot of animal protein in my own diet, we eat as clean and as organic as we can, whole foods make up the majority of our diet. For me though, there are simply an awful lot of starchy veggies that are included as those are what happen to be most easily digestible. Throw in Gaby's refusal to eat almost any meat at all and it just makes things even more interesting. I'm not sure if that's just a phase or what - but if it is, it's been going on for almost six years. With her increasing awareness of where meat comes from - regardless of how humanely it's raised, she questions eating it at all.
Going off the Prednisone won't change the fact the my lower intestines can't handle a largely meat-filled diet. Unfortunately, years of laxative abuse, necrotic tissue removal, gastric bypass surgery and then another surgery to reverse the bypass and remove even more damaged tissue from my lower intestines precludes me from enjoying a diet primarily consisting of meat. That doesn't mean I'm headed in the reverse direction either - doing something like Dr. McDougal's diet - which is almost all starches and veggies and fruit. I think extremes in either direction can be potentially dangerous. My sugar consumption is probably 1/6th of what it used to be, and being that we consume as little processed and refined food as possible, I don't think I'm doing as bad as I was, or could be.
Weight and See - It's Been a While
It's been more than a while, it's been close to eight months since I last updated. So much has happened and so much hasn't happened that it's hard to know how to update anything. Back when I last updated my weight, I was still dealing with a semi-serious knee injury and I was having a snit ...
I have all of the books you've linked to, with Wheat Belly being the absolute least favorite of mine because it's been PROVEN that Dr. Davis intentionally lied about the stats he was using to try and show correlations that didn't exist. He manipulated the data to try and make his point. It doesn't mean that some of this other points in the book aren't valid, or don't have merit, it just means that the man is basically dishonest.
As far as Paleo as a whole? My problem (outside of the fact that my lower intestines can not process a lot of meat) is that the entire "Paleo" label is far too broad. Are we talking about north American paleo, European paleo, south pacific, asian...etc? They all had different diets based on what was available, and the environmental factors were as different from area to area as they are now. Also, regardless of where you get your food, it's nearly impossible to replicate any of the foods they ate simply because of today's environmental factors vs. factors back then. It doesn't matter if your food comes from the most organic and natural of farms, the same with the meat source. the soil conditions and rain water are two of the hugest factors between now and then. Also, the diet of the animals that were primary sources of protein thousands of years ago was impacted by environmental conditions as well - which, thanks to global warming, are not the same as they were thousands of years ago.
The fact of the matter is, while people see vast changes in themselves and their lives, I think it's a huge misnomer to call this a paleo diet. I think it was an effective marketing tool that made Atkins, the original low-carb diet, look like it was actually loaded with carbs. If it works for you, fine, but I think people are deluding themselves by actually thinking this way of eating is close to what our ancient paleolithic ancestors ate.
I mainly tried it because of everything going on with my immune system, in hopes that it would offer me some relief. Whether it's because of the massive doses of Prednisone I'm on, or the fact that my lower digestive system can't process lots of even lean protein, it made me pretty sick. My bariatric doctors agree that this is something that would most likely cause more problems for me in the long run, than help prevent.
That said, I think sugar is a huge factor in why we are getting sicker and factor, as is the predominance of highly processed foods. Cutting out "whites" of my diet is what seems to help me the most, but I have to be careful to balance it with minimal animal based proteins and add lots of fruit and veggies, something which I admittedly am very poor at doing. Most of the time I usually just forget to eat. Combine that with what the Prednisone does to me and my weight is at a standstill. 20lbs net loss in 8 months is piss poor.
I've seen the changes in both Marlene and Lauren, and I'm thrilled that this is working for both of them and that they both understand it's not a diet, but a lifestyle. Again, I think if you genuinely feel great and the changes in your body are positive, then go for it! Anything that helps you lead a healthy, happy, productive life, is a good thing.
Another huge issue with Paleo is that it is the LEAST sustainable by the majority of the population that is barely able to afford SOME whole foods in their diet. Far too many people in America ( let alone other areas of the world) live in veritable food deserts where access to clean produce and meat is just not possible.
Unfortunately more and more physicians, physicians who have nothing to gain by lose or gain by stating this, are calling this just another fad diet.
As for me? I'm going to move forward with my doctor's suggestions and see what happens.
Weight and See - It's Been a While
It's been more than a while, it's been close to eight months since I last updated. So much has happened and so much hasn't happened that it's hard to know how to update anything. Back when I last updated my weight, I was still dealing with a semi-serious knee injury and I was having a snit ...
Growing up, We Got McDonald's for Our School Lunch
Oh yes we did! Well, if our parents sent in the money each day (I think it was only something like $1.50 for lunch, possibly less), along with a note of what to order. Back then the choices were simple, we were allowed to chose either a hamburger, cheeseburger, or fillet o'fish sandwich (I don't even think they had chicken nuggets back when I was in elementary school. How's that for showing my age?), small... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2013 at Barking Mad
Abercrombie and Fitch Doesn't Like Fat Girls - and This is News, How?
While I agree that Abercrombie & Fitch CEO, Mike Jeffries is a huge douche, I'm not entirely sure why there's this sudden outrage over statements he made six years ago to Salon magazine where he's quoted as saying: “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” he told the site. “Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2013 at Barking Mad
Weight and See - It's Been a While
It's been more than a while, it's been close to eight months since I last updated. So much has happened and so much hasn't happened that it's hard to know how to update anything. Back when I last updated my weight, I was still dealing with a semi-serious knee injury and I was having a snit over cancelling my trip to Idaho in order to go to what was basically, fat camp. I was told... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2013 at Barking Mad
Another friend pointed out, in an email that the monogram would be considered correct for some fonts. I'm actually OK with it. They are really nice bags and are a great size for kids. Plus they match the outfits perfectly. I can't complain too much because they were selling them during one of their flash clearance sales on Facebook and they were seriously marked-down. I got all three bags for only $45 - and that included shipping.
It wasn't so much that it was a "bad" day per se . . . just kinda seemed like I did indeed have a ying for every yank. *lol*
Hope you're doing great, sweetie! You sound really good!
A. :-)
Monday on a Friday
I've had to keep checking all the calendars around the house to make sure that today is indeed a Friday . . . Yep, it's Friday, but for some reason, it sure feels and is acting like a Monday! With a fair amount of alarm, Gareth realized before leaving for work this morning that his wallet...
Monday on a Friday
I've had to keep checking all the calendars around the house to make sure that today is indeed a Friday . . . Yep, it's Friday, but for some reason, it sure feels and is acting like a Monday! With a fair amount of alarm, Gareth realized before leaving for work this morning that his wallet was missing. For the first five minutes of the search we were relatively calm. When it became obvious that... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2013 at Barking Mad
Her Majesty Has Been Naughty!
Look what Her Majesty found? Guess who left it on the counter to thaw? Guess who is now finding something else to cook for dinner tonight? Her Majesty makes one final attempt to rescue the steak from it's final resting place. Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2013 at Barking Mad
Encore Post . . . The Airport
As we get closer to the actual migration of my blog to Wordpress, and all that comes with it, I've been trying to keep my posts to the bare minimum when it comes to photos, and trying to keep them on the, well, on the "not as verbose" side. Ha! That's not likely to happen. Anyhow, as I've been working on what has actually evolved into a book, a book that was started by this... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2013 at Barking Mad
Josh and me, January 1989, Big Bear, California. ********** Hi Josh, I was going to start your annual birthday letter with, "I'm alive!!!" But then I kinda winced because immediately following that, I thought to myself, "oh, that's right, but you're not . . ." and I kinda felt like a huge heel. However, you already know how I'm feeling because you made a nightly visit a few nights ago and we had a long... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2013 at Barking Mad
Oh and, custom cupcakes have too much frosting. ;-)
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
In this case, it's several ladies, protesting a lot. Much like Hamlet's Queen Gertrude, I think a great deal of the women complaining about the image that attending a mommy-blogging conference has received, are in part trying to protect their own conscience about possibly contributing to th...
I readily admit that if it was linkbait, I took it, hook, line and sinker. BUT it was after being irritated by all the posts, the posts that were filled with rage, and righteous indignation, were written by the very same women who are the ones going around plastering images of themselves at these conferences, looking less than professional. The irony was overwhelming and irresistible.
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
In this case, it's several ladies, protesting a lot. Much like Hamlet's Queen Gertrude, I think a great deal of the women complaining about the image that attending a mommy-blogging conference has received, are in part trying to protect their own conscience about possibly contributing to th...
When the minority of voices - those from the women who go to these conferences and get real value from sessions, panels, networking and contact, outweigh the voices of the women who go for the parties and such, until that happens, the perception is going to remain the same.
And Lisa, when was the last time you saw a bunch of men sitting around in McDonald's bags, taking cheesy selfies of themselves, or drunkenly dancing around a unicorn shaped cake, then plastering those images all over the web, then having the audacity to ask, "Gee, why don't you take my blogging, seriously? I HAVE to go to these conferences! They're for work!" If that's the case, if you want to be taken seriously, then keep the party pics private and maybe, just maybe you (general you, not you yourself because I KNOW you!) might get taken seriously and people might believe you're going off to a conference to work rather than play.
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
In this case, it's several ladies, protesting a lot. Much like Hamlet's Queen Gertrude, I think a great deal of the women complaining about the image that attending a mommy-blogging conference has received, are in part trying to protect their own conscience about possibly contributing to th...
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
In this case, it's several ladies, protesting a lot. Much like Hamlet's Queen Gertrude, I think a great deal of the women complaining about the image that attending a mommy-blogging conference has received, are in part trying to protect their own conscience about possibly contributing to that very image. image credit In the 9 or so years that I've been blogging, both professionally or otherwise, I've never attended a blogging conference. That's right, no BlogHer,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2013 at Barking Mad
When the Numbness Feels Better Than the Anger
I didn't post anything in the aftermath of the heinous bombings in Boston because it seemed like there were already a plethora of voices saying a lot of things I was feeling. We checked in with loved ones in the area and made sure those near and dear were safe and sound. In the meantime I've had alternating feelings between being glued to the television to make sure the terrorists (because that's exactly what they... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2013 at Barking Mad
image credit Earlier this evening I posed the following question/thought to my Facebook wall: Let's talk about profanity. Does the use of profanity keep you from reading a blog you'd otherwise enjoy? Does it keep you from interacting with certain friends out here? Do you tend to think that people who use profanities are crass, classless, and tacky? Do you think there is any place at all for it when expressing yourself while writing, or... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2013 at Barking Mad
The Worst Thing About Vacations . . .
. . . isn't coming home from a vacation, although that's a close second; the worst thing is in fact, unpacking from a vacation! There's nothing I'd rather do less, than unload all this stuff, stuff that seems to have multiplied over the last 6 days that we were back home in Maine. Even worse, while it was only Gaby and me - (Gareth is neck-deep in projects with looming deadlines, at work), we took,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2013 at Barking Mad
Winner of the $300 Cash Giveaway!!!!
First of all, thank you to everyone who took the time to enter. Thanks for spending any time at all out here, getting to know me and our little family, and for your really nice comments, emails, and tweets. I'm going to be doing this again in the next 6-8 weeks. I think however I'm going to break up the cash prize though so that more people can get a chance to win something. I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2013 at Barking Mad
Happiness Is . . .
. . .knowing that Spring finally really is on it's way when I walk into my grocer's green section and see these beauties just waiting for me to take them home and put them where they belong . . .in my belly! The gross, anemic looking, shriveled up things they try to pass off as strawberries during the winter, around here, are just plain depressing. These however, are not! Oh and? They were soooo good!... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2013 at Barking Mad
We don't see so many bunnies where I live now. However back in Maine? All over the place! And the first house we moved to here in NY, the one on Lake Saratoga . . . we had so many of them, along with beautiful little red foxes too. However I have heard we have a huge bald eagle couple nesting nearby, so maybe I'll take my camera out and try to get a few shots.
Oh and when I lived in the UK, this time of year not only were there blooming daffodils EVERYWHERE, but bunnies. Thousands of bunnies. The only thing I liked about going around all those roundabouts over there was the fact that most of them were dotted with bunnies and daffodils. If I could focus on them, I could keep from getting car sick!
These Weren't Supposed to End Up Looking Like Chocolate-Dipped-Candy-Coated Penises!
Out of the 5 or so things I've made from ideas I've seen posted to Pinterest, I've had a ratio of 3 out of 5 . . . in other words, 3 turned out reasonably well, and the other two? Utter failures! I don't know why, but the one where you put a bar of Ivory soap into your microwave and end up wi...
Your comment about the circumcision gone wrong made me laugh out loud and be really grateful I'm not a guy! Ironically those were pink sugar crystals but with the milk chocolate (I just can't seem to get white chocolate to melt. Even those candy melts, specific for projects like this? I FAIL every single time! I can't get them to melt either.) it made them look darker.
Someone via email told me that the Piroulines almost looked like cigars. *lol* That didn't occur to me until she said it.
These Weren't Supposed to End Up Looking Like Chocolate-Dipped-Candy-Coated Penises!
Out of the 5 or so things I've made from ideas I've seen posted to Pinterest, I've had a ratio of 3 out of 5 . . . in other words, 3 turned out reasonably well, and the other two? Utter failures! I don't know why, but the one where you put a bar of Ivory soap into your microwave and end up wi...
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