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thanks Jen!
Fighting Spam Comments
As many of you have noticed, TypePad has seen an increase in spam comments not being caught. We've been digging into the spam fighting mechanics to make adjustments, and we're already seeing improvement. TypePad also provides you with tools to help you manage your comment settings which can redu...
hmmm. is there a way to turn off comments completely?
Fighting Spam Comments
As many of you have noticed, TypePad has seen an increase in spam comments not being caught. We've been digging into the spam fighting mechanics to make adjustments, and we're already seeing improvement. TypePad also provides you with tools to help you manage your comment settings which can redu...
WilliamThirteen is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
hi Martin,
that is in Scharnhorststraße in Mitte. Part of the Bundeswehrkrankenhaus just north of the old Kaiserin Augusta Hospital.,13.4114&sspn=0.605774,1.667175&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=52.532175,13.372518&spn=0.004732,0.013025&z=17
Waiting for Renovation
hi susanna! thanks for the info, i'll keep an eye on your blog for the latest italian design news!
Fresh Fruit for Friedrichshain
Friedrichshain shoppers can satisfy their aesthetic sensibilities as well as their delicate palates at the new Frische Paradies Lindenberg, designed by local practice Robertneun, which opened today in Eldenaer Straße. The architects derived their inspiration from the ubiquitous EuroPallet (80...
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