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beautiful new england
Interests: gardening, history, herbalism, mythology, embroidery, quilt-making, all forms of journaling, paper and paint experimentation, quantum healing, praying for peace, conga drumming, ethnopsychology, flower essences, mixed media assemblage, bird-watching, ethnobotany, symbology
Recent Activity
oh now it's going to let me post after i just emailed that it wouldn't. ha ha. Just wondered if you or any commenters were into the mary poppins books as a kid. There's one story that's about an old sort of mean woman and her very sorrowful daughters who run a gingerbread-centric bakery. All the cakes they sell have big gold stars on them. All of which the mournful sisters have to retrieve (I forget how. it made sense at the time/age i was really into reading these books)and then they take tall ladders to the highest field in town and start glue-ing the stars up into the sky. It's a peculiar story. They all were, really ...
Storm Watch, it Seems
It's just Saturday. And since there is a storm barreling up the coast here, I am up and readying for an early market run. Because it's Saturday, it's a holiday weekend and because even though they say it will not be TOO bad here, it's September and a storm might change its mind. Folks panic here...
do you mean you and me or you and the cat. ha. either one works...
a Story of Cloth Season
Soul-o has developed a bit of an attitude. His chair, His quilt, His pillow. And constant play and chewing has taken its toll. This morning He let me take the pillow for mending. After removing the little pillow cover, ( it measures 12" x 16") I decided to wash it before mending. Th...
game on
picture this: chilly breezes that frequently gust into wind. Cold damp soil. A woman who prefers pitchforks and a man who goes nowhere near a garden without his favorite shovel. A bluejay sentry spreading the raucous news that humans are back in the field. Later an aging calico cat makes... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2014 at Word To Our Mother
forgot you were a girl scout. mostly i just remember you also had ginny doll - know they were extremely popular but you're the only one i've met who had one too.
As a child I was very afraid
On the inside mostly. Later, as a young adult, I learned to work on that. Still it persists in some small ways. Found among Mom's things by my brother... Given and now given back. Sometimes, giving might simply be the shared acknowledgement of a personal truth. A quiet exchange. I a...
on this end I sat on our little porch in a wooden chair that was not the slightest bit damp from tons of melted snow. and ate an apricot muffin that was hoarded in the freezer for just such of a moment of quiet celebration. it was more than enough. Enough squared.
the First Warm Day in a long time
Today there was no stitching. It was surprisingly warm and we went to the sea. The last snow lay in patches on the sand. There were pools of sky caught in the scars of winter. And the geese returned. It was enough really. And I am thinking a lot about that lately.
just words about: snow
Since my last entry I've had several opportunities to walk during snowfall. Snow, as a sentient being, has revealed itself to me in the guise of masterful shapeshifter and an agent of purification. It has whispered to me in the language of a universal lullaby: protection, nourishment and promises to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2014 at Word To Our Mother
yes, Nancy. In that moment of shared experience I was very conscious of my blessings and super grateful for them.
yesterday in the snow
Yesterday my husband worked from home. I had already talked to him about my interest in taking a silent snow walk as described in the book I reviewed here. He remembered that discussion and we agreed upon a late afternoon time for the walk. By then it had stopped snowing but re-started a ha...
yesterday in the snow
Yesterday my husband worked from home. I had already talked to him about my interest in taking a silent snow walk as described in the book I reviewed here. He remembered that discussion and we agreed upon a late afternoon time for the walk. By then it had stopped snowing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2014 at Word To Our Mother
this post made me think of a friend who periodically says "if I want to read a good novel, I'll write one." I have a quasi similar goal this year to re-read something each month that I've enjoyed enough to keep it around over time. My list is an equal mix of novels and non-fiction. Think I'm going to begin with Pieces of White Shell.
reading habits
I read everyday. I can't imagine not doing so. But I haven't been reading much of a variety lately. One of my goals for the next year is to read one book of fiction each month by an author I've never read anything by before. For January I want to read Tom Robbins Skinny Legs and All. I h...
oh the past couple of days when planning to visit here I have typed in soul-o instead of spirit cloth. ha ha. Can't get over how quickly this creature has grown!
The Soul-o saga
Loves to eat. Anything really, but especially Chicken. Soul-o loves chicken. After Chicken there is happiness. We are considering the nickname Chicken. Say Chicken. Right there. My grandmother used to call us grand kids her chickens. She brings back great memories of simple kindness. ...
what a wonderful little treasure you found.
After a big snow...
It's not really warm in here this morning. But it is warm enough. Barely. And that's how it will be for a while, it seems. My son, the woodworker, kindly donated all his hardwood scrap to our fire keeping cause. Mixed in I uncovered a little piece of wood patchwork. Wood is his clo...
That poncho is awesome! you know what's weirdly funny about that book? Three very different cats all upchucked on the cover of it at three very different points of time when I attempted to read it without getting very far. Never had a cat do that with any other book although there are always plenty strewn here and there. I know why it's consistently difficult for me to truly embrace the work but feel it is more about personal affinity (or lack thereof) than any sort of legitimate literary criticism. But at one point a very cool splinter group formed from a feminist reading club I had joined when I first moved to Boston. About a third of the group just couldn't get into WWRWW while the other two thirds treated it like gospel and the most illuminating "important" thing ever. So we just took a sabbatical from the group and traded ideas of books with similar themes that we really enjoyed. We are all still friends to this day, 37 years later, who trade books, movie dvd's and our own original writing.
read some, spin some...
"The doll is like the little bird in fairy tales who appears and whispers in the heroine's ear, the one who reveals the hidden enemy and what to do about it." This is the wool that I washed in the salad spinner. I am going to make this poncho with it. "It is easy to imagine that the Yaga's...
Fedco seeds! One of my favorite sources since forever. When I first moved out of Boston my city girlfriends gave me a going-away gift of every type of Poppy and Sunflower seed packet fedco had on offer that year as they were (still are, really) my two favorite flowers. Had a gorgeous garden that summer and fall but unfortunately my camera died and wasn't replaced in time to document more than the first few days of the poppy blooms. I didn't know about the Holistic Orchard but ordered it through inter-library loan immediate. You always have the best book ideas.
garden past and present
Past: Grace asked about my blueberry patch. I had mentioned on her blog that I had created a swale to hold the water closer to the blueberries. But really what I did was make a berm out of sod. Which makes the area where the blueberries are planted act as a swale. I'm sure it's not technical...
the fallen friends
On new years eve the town sent out arborists to cut down dead trees that could endanger the telephone and electrical lines. This mission affected two trees right on the edge of our property line. I have understood intellectually that their days were numbered but emotionally it was a most... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2014 at Word To Our Mother
I so enjoy your color sensibility. Wanted to refer to the strong inspiration you gave me in one of your former projects which I remember being called The Book of Crazy. Do I have that right? Would cringe to get the name wrong.
there's always room for another look
I had thought I was done with this, even though it felt like something was missing. There was an emptiness on the right-hand edge. With the recent news from my old job, I realized there was room for one more eye, and thought. I'm hoping to be done with it today.
I can assure you that, "in the terms"/context associated with James Lovelock and the late Lynn Margulis, Gaia hasn't been rendered irrelevant. More personally I find it my word of choice for quickly conveying a whole realm of ecological and spiritual meaning that holds a more neutral charge than most classical or theocratic language.
310 an Epiphany
sitting down here to post for the three hundred and tenth time, i had some uneasiness. Am i sure about what i think i want to say?? and i got up and walked over, and looked at the wall. Yes. i am sure. it started this morning looking at the linen runner with the colors. Back up. f...
ack. read-through.
read knit repeat
it's a Joseph Campbell sort of winter on this end, too. I just recently started another re-through of Hero With A Thousand Faces.
read knit repeat
I love the way a wild one's purr evolves from a rusty shudder to very deep bone-level contentment. Must have missed something fairly significant that went on only with the private class group. thought this quilt was going to be involved with a unicef related program?
Soul-o and Home
It is seriously difficult to get a still picture of this little beast. Always moving. There are small journeys, night tours of this room we are heating for the winter. Although it seriously feels like spring at the moment. And this one, more truly holds on to the wild side. A lion. I lo...
wow soul-o's changing very quickly. the doting is clearly to her liking.
Day 6- A cloth house
So through the coldest days, I put some old velvet up as a curtain to separate the kitchen from the one room we heat, because there is a draft that comes through the studio. Helps to keep the heat in at night. Having Soul-o in the colder room wasn't working out because even though there w...
last night was ridiculously cold but today while the sun shone it was a balmy 18 degrees...
7 AM 7:15 AM
love the googly eyed stare. feeling your heart warm ...
7 AM 7:15 AM
I keep thinking of the other little kitten, too. Like Michelle I am hoping.
Settling into winter
Today, a day that will only get colder as it goes, has me considering survival and a cloth I was calling The Tendency to Pull Together and still do. How much time has passed since I began this cloth. How season reminds me of the great circle. And how things rest. Seem to rest, all the w...
as you might imagine i am following this particular plot development with intense interest. so sweet, this soul-o. so little and yet complete. i remember an image of WAS in a similar position on the stairs. snow just starting to pick up here, very fine and slanting sideways.
Good afternoon
When the snow falls like this, so fine you can hardly see it, well it is always a big one. There is no sign of any other cats outside today. I'll get out to the market before the major snow moves in. Expecting high wind so hoping the power stays on. Dropping down to 4 degrees by tomorrow ni...
looks like an awesome pruning job. Your year's word is very interesting but right now I'm more concerned with gazing longingly at evidence of somebody else's garden time.
word for the year 2014
46 degrees F today. Spent several hours in the garden today pruning the small apple and chopping himalayan blackberry. Discovered the tomatillo husks. This year I decided to choose a focus word for the year. The word? Tension. Tension can be defined as "the condition of being held in a ...
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