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Not to sound like an anti-American communist, but this looks like the data massaging technique practiced in Vietnam to give commanders the false assurance that their tactics and strategies were a success.
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Why did interviewer conclude that Pamela Geller is not a fan of NY1 News, especially, since she agreed to be a guest?
I'm surprised that this cleric said such a thing, because former theologian in chief, George W. Bush, assured us that Islam is a religion of peace.
I'm not surprised by any of this. I'm greatly annoyed, but not surprised.
This is one of the few times that I agree with RINO Sen Collins & Sen Lieberman: "Lieberman said the Hasan case demonstrates that even after the 9/11 terrorist attacks the federal government still has not “adequately defined the roles and responsibilities of agencies of our government and other institutions of our society that must effectively counter radicalization to violent Islamist extremism in our country.”"
Hey now! I'm from Pennsylvania where we have a statue to dedicated to Molly Pitcher, because Fighting Quakers, both male & female, are awesome: So, if any more red coats invade New Jersey, we're ready to fight! Grrr!
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I believe Hanoi Jane Fonda's dad, Henry Fonda, served in the navy during WWII, oddly enough
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2012 on Hollywood goes to war at BlackFive
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"Pentagon's war propaganda effort" Massaging data & publishing false stories obviously did more harm than good. Lynch & her comrades were just as much victims of poor training & faulty comm as anything else.
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Golly, but the US State Department has assured us that the Muslim Brotherhood is mostly secular /sarc
It's completely childish & immature of me, but Gen. Dempsey reminds me of a Keebler elf. Mea culpa...
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2012 on Making friends at the Army/Navy game at BlackFive
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The official DNC media line is that Murtha was known for helping veterans & I was wondering what, pray tell, he ever did useful for anybody. Of course, they didn't specify whose veterans, perhaps they referred solely to Iraqi & Al Qaeda veterans...
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2010 on Rep John Murtha, 1932 - 2010 at BlackFive
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The new official meme seems to be that more hippies burning American flags is a good thing & more planes being blown up is also supposed to be indications that we're winning the war against terror: "The support for terrorism, for violence, both in Muslim expatriates in the West and Muslims in the Middle East or South Asia, is diminishing, and dramatically diminishing. And strangely enough, ironically enough, in the past, when we have seen this contraction of a protest counterculture, the violence is increased at the tail end of that movement."
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re: "Obama has stepped up drone strikes on terrorists in Pakistan" This is about the about the only part of Obama's policy that I support. The rest of your post is Bravo Sierra. I don't agree that missile defense & modern USAF jets are "bloated and useless weapons programs" or people that fight the jihadists as "bedwetters"
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The alleged progressive people in Brazil also like to murder nuns from Ohio. I wonder if Dorothy Stang inadvertently ran across smugglers when she tried to protect native people in the Amazon jungle.
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Jan 25, 2010